Chapter 5

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A/N- ok, so this time the art is by cnem on Instagram! I think it's really neat ;) I found it on Pinterest tho. Also thanks for 119 reads!! :) ur all amazing!!

I'm scared. Not scared in a good way like a roller coaster, but afraid for my life. Dream's missing, Lily just ran off leaving us with three (admittedly Sapnap told her to, so I can't be mad at her.), and someone is here watching us. And I suspect they have been for a while.

"Hello?" Sapnap voice is loud in the silence. I'm thinking- you told lily we would be right behind her! Let's run you idiot!

There's no response, and bad reaches into his backpack and grabs something. He hands it to Sapnap and gives me whatever it is. Looking down I see a dagger.

"Bad. Why do I need a dagger?" I whisper, leaning to him.

"Protection." In my head I add 'you muffin,' but I know it's too Serious of a situation for that.

Sapnap whispers to us, barely audible. "Listen. We are going to run. Whoever this is- maybe some squatter mad that we're in their house, seems dangerous. Split up and take different directions. They can't go after us all."

"Bad idea!" I whisper furiously back. "We absolutely should not split up!"

"Dream would murder me if something happened to you two. And vice versa. So, if we split they'll only have the opportunity to get one of us. I'll leave last to get them to follow me, as I can probably throw them off."

Something doesn't ring right in that sentence and I realize why. Dream is gone. Dream should be here with us but instead he's missing. But he's probably waiting for us at the camp so it'll be fine.

I'll run to the camp and get him. There's my plan. I mean lily is doing that but she isn't getting dream to stop this person.

"Fine." I hiss back.

"Um so who first?" Bad asks, already backing out.

"You and George. Go now." Sapnap whispers before raising his voice to normal. "Hello?!"

Bad and I make a dash to the door, and turn different directions. I turn to where lily went, and after a short while she jumps out in front of me.

I don't have a clue what I'm doing but I raise the knife and she backs off.

"What the he- it's me!" She cries, and I lower the knife.

"We gotta go! Someone- someone's following us!" I exclaim, and I see her eyes widen in fear.

"Where are the others? What happened to them?" She seems frantic, and I'm overcome with the urge to tell her everything's ok. But it's not.

"I- we split up. To distract whoever it was. It took after Sapnap I think."

"We have to find them!"

"Then we gotta move!"

And so we run. We hard fast and hard. I can tell we're both dying, and she stops. I'm thankful for it, I wasn't going to stop first but I needed a break. Suddenly, techno appears and I couldn't be more thankful.

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