2. Travis

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Colin Wayne as Travis ^^ top

I studied the area and my eyes scanned each and every opponent across the yard and those in front of me. I got on my knees and they followed my lead and we huddled together, me still watching across the yard.

"Ok they have a wide opening on their right but I believe they are doing that on purpose to distract us so only two of you go right, two go down the middle and two go left, got it?" I asked and they all nodded.

We got to our spots and my team were mean muggin the other's and I had to hold back my laugh at the looks the other's had on their faces.

"Ok ready! Set! Go!" I yelled and the field was filled with lots of laughs, giggles, and little ones running all around each other trying to tag one another as a cute little three year old red wild hair green eyed boy was running on chubby legs and giggling his little heart out.

I ran up behind him and scooped him up, running with him to the end of the yard and he laughed a belly laugh and squealed out when we reached the end without him getting tagged.

"Dada!" He put his hands on my forehead and titled my head back as he was on my shoulders now doing our victory lap and his green eyes crashed with my brown eyes and his smile lit up his adorable little face.

"What's up champ?" I asked and tickled his sides making him squirm on my broad shoulders and giggled.

"I hungry." He said and I smiled up at him.

"What do you want to eat Colby?" I asked and he put his little finger on his chin and had a thinking face making me laugh at his antics.

"Naner and nug wif juice." He said and I nodded. Thank goodness I had everything already packed for our day at the park and went to the picnic table where the basket was at and the table was already set thanks to the wives of the men in my unit.

I should probably introduce myself now. My name is Travis Kyle Laden and I am a Staff Sergeant also known as an E6 in the U.S. Army. I am single and have a three year old son, Colby who is my entire world.

He happened one drunken night with a chick I didn't know who was a one night stand and she turned up ten months later with him in a car seat and told me she didn't want him. Said she asked around about me and someone had heard her asking and told her where I lived and that's how I ended up with sole custody of my son.

He looks like his mom with his red hair and green eyes but everything else is me. He hasn't asked about her which he won't yet since he is three but when he is older I will be honest and tell him about us and how he came into my life.

That day she dropped him off was the start of my new life. I have been in the Army since I was seventeen and I'm now twenty-six so nine years so far and it has been the best years of my life. My men aren't my men, they are my brother's and we are as thick as thieves.

Their wives and husbands or partners are just as wonderful as they are. They help with Colby when I would have to go out on deployments or missions which isn't as much as it used to be but enough to take me away for a few months at a time. The longest was eight months and that was the hardest eight months of my life because Colby was only a year and a half and he didn't understand a thing except me leaving him with someone else and not knowing when I would come back.

The guys are all laughing with their kids using them as jungle gyms as all the "wives" of us are trying to plate food for everyone. I put Colby down and he ran to my best friend, Cooper who smiled at Colby and picked him up and sat him on his lap and kissed his forehead.

"Hi Travis." A soft voice said and I looked over and saw Peyton, a cute little thing with bright blue eyes and soft brown hair, and the sweetest pretty pink plump lips. He is beautiful. Yes he, and he smiled shyly when I smiled at him.

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