22. Gregory

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My poor baby 😪

To say I was seeing red, nothing but blood red when I heard about what that fucking little twink did to my boys tree is a complete and utter understatement. I wanted to cut my trip short and visit that piece of shit and kill him. 

My boy absolutely loved that tree which was the point in me getting one made for him to have one of his own to enjoy every year for as long as the tree lasts. It's too late to have another one made and sent to him because they already have so many to make for customers. I know Travis and Cooper did their best to make it somewhat the same as it was but I saw a picture of it, it's completely ruined. I'll just have to order him another one for next year after the season is over so that way he can have it all year and be able to enjoy it.

Since I got that email from Cooper my mood has gone down hill, the only thing I wanted was for my boy to have a memorable Christmas and I couldn't even do that. I promised him I'll always be there, even if it's not in person and I broke that promise, at least to me I did.

I arrived in China yesterday and Christmas is tomorrow, I'm all alone in this beautiful country, and being away from my family is depressing the hell out of me even more.

"Alpha Gregory, you should get some sleep, you have the signing in the morning and you have other things to do as well." Rebecca said and I sighed. 

How could I possibly sleep when Colby's Christmas is ruined and Travis is probably blaming himself this very minute knowing him. 

"Cooper emailed me, Travis' boyfriend or ex-boyfriend now sabotaged their Christmas and hid my email from him." I sighed. 

"I'm so sorry." She said sitting next to me and hugged me. 

"You need to relax and not stress so much. I'm worried about you, we all are." She said, rubbing my back like a natural-born mother. I guess being pregnant and becoming a mother in general really does change a person. 

After her wise words, I forced myself to sleep and in the morning we had breakfast in the hotel and we were off to our signing and finalizing everything I needed to. 

As we got back to the hotel I was able to shower before there was a knock at the door. 

"Coming…" I called out. I had my guard up, that maybe it was an enemy who saw us do the signing earlier so I got ready to attack. 

"Took you long enough." Gabriel said and there was my family and I threw myself at them and hugged them all. 

"What are you all doing here?" I asked. 

"Rebecca snitched saying how miserable you looked more than usual." Gabriel said and I sighed. 

"She did not." My mom said saving Rebecca from hearing an earful. 

"We came to spend time with you, Cooper helped us out." Mom smirked. Of course he did. 

"They're fine by the way." Dad said and I sighed.

"We got them some things and had Cooper take it over so that bastard didn't completely ruin the holiday." Dad said and his eyes flashed. 

I honestly hope we can be together soon. 

"Thanks, I just wish Colby was able to enjoy that tree like he did when we were in New York." I rubbed my chest when it started hurting again. It happens a lot more often now but I don't say anything, I don't want to worry them.

After they caught me up on things with Travis and Colby, thanks to having guards pose as mailmen and women or something to blend in, even the school teacher, we took a tour of the city going city to city and getting souvenirs for everyone back home. 

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now