6. Gregory

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His car ^^

"Captain Campbell hello, I didn't expect to see you here." I said when my office door opened with him walking in and I stood and shook his hand and he grunted but smiled.

"Hello Mr. Morgan. That's a nice welcome. I wasn't planning on being here but things came up and Travis along with the unit had to go on deployment last week." He said and sat down slightly chuckling. 

"I didn't mean any offense sir, I was just surprised to see you is all. I had prepared for a meal for Travis with things he likes since he would have been here throughout dinner and I would have done the same for you if I had known." I apologized and he waved me off.

"I understand. The paperwork for their deployment got lost so it was last minute but don't worry, they heard a piece of my mind of their incompetence over there." He growled out and it sounded like a wolf's growl and I held back my chuckle. 

"Rebecca, please call the restaurant and cancel the meal for Travis and instead have them prepare Captain Campbell's meal. They should know what it is since he has been here before." I said once I pushed a button on my office phone to her desk.

"Very well sir, it will be done." She said and I pulled out the thick contract and handed him a pen and we went over some of the details that still were the same until we got to the breast plates.

"I had done some research and I came across a lighter one, it still does the same as the ones that are built with more weight but with the lighter one, the soldiers will not have to carry so much weight than they already have to carry." I showed him the images I had printed and he looked at the old ones they already use and the new ones that are much better and the Marines are already using them.

"They look so much smaller." He said and I was prepared for this so I went to my closet in my office and grabbed the box I have in it and placed it on the table and took out both kinds of plates and he walked over to the table and picked each up. 

"See there is a weight difference but it is still as effective as the heavier one. I have a demonstration set up, come." I said and we walked out of my office and went to the elevator and I hit the button for the roof and walked out when the door opened. I had a few soldiers come and demonstrate for us and they were already to go.

"Here you go sir." I handed him the headphones to muffle the sound and we all put on a pair and I nodded to the soldiers and one of them fired a shot directly at the other's chest and he of course flinched at the impact but he still was on his feet and Captain Campbell walked over to him and he removed his jacket and lifted his shirt so the Captain could see for himself. 

"There is no mark." He said in awe.

"No sir, didn't even hurt or hardly feel it." The soldier said and I was happy, that's what I was looking for. 

"Would you like to try?" I asked the Captain and he nodded and I chuckled and he put on the bigger jacket with the breastplates and the one with the gun handed it to me and I took his place and cocked the gun and put my arms up and lined up the gun to the right side of Captain Campbell's chest and fired. He didn't even flinch but he knew he was shot and the look on his face was shock.

"Holy shit I didn't even feel that!" He said and we all chuckled. He took the jacket off and came over to me.

"I like those. You are right, they didn't even feel that heavy and are very effective. We will switch to those." I mentally fist bumped the air but in reality I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you guys for your help, make sure to pick up your checks for today on your way out and there is a reservation for you to have lunch at Buckhead steak and wine, it's on me." I said to the three soldiers and they shook my hand, thanked me and as they were packing up, the Captain and I went back down to my office.

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