10. Travis

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"Hey there." I heard the sexy deep southern accent of the man who has invaded all of my senses, all of my thoughts and even my dreams right in front of me. 

I look up from my food to see him standing there in his dark gray Armani suit with his signature aviator sunglasses and his hair looking messy but also styled in typical Gregory fashion. He is a vision.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" I asked, coming out of my thoughts of the sexy man in front of me.

"I usually come here for lunch when I'm not in one of the many meetings I have to attend or out with clients. You?" He sat in front of me in the empty chair and immediately a plate of food was placed along with his drink in front of him. 

"I have a few days off so I figured I would do some shopping and pay bills while Colby is in preschool and this place caught my eye." Only because it's close to your building. 

"Ah well I hope you don't mind if I join you." He smoothly says as he looks over at me with his piercing hazel eyes that I have seen in my dreams many times. 

"Not at all. How are things with work?" I ask and he smiles softly and takes a sip of his sweet tea.

"It's great. I am so close to closing the deal with the German Army, thank you for what you did by the way. Going international isn't something I had thought of but I'm glad I am." He thanks me and I feel my heart swell with how genuine he sounds. 

"I didn't do anything really." I say feeling shy for some reason, not wanting him to put me on a pedestal of some sort. 

"Hush now and just take the compliment." He gently scolds me and I feel my cheeks heat up under his intense gaze. 

"How are things going with you and Alec?" It slipped out before I could even think about asking but I really wanted to know.

"Things are complicated." He sighed and I wanted to reach over and take his hand in mine but I didn't, not yet. 

"How so?" 

"I thought I was in love with him, like completely in love with him but then I met someone else who has awakened new feelings inside and now when I think of Alec and I, our future, he's not the one who is next to me as my husband, just a really good friend." He admits and I wonder who he does see himself with. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. You looked happy with him." I said and even though I meant it, I couldn't help but feel happy about how he feels. Maybe there's a chance for me yet.

"Want to know the best part?" He asked and I bit my lip but nodded.

"I have just met this other person and that is who I see myself with, having a family with, growing old with, building a wonderful happy life with." He says all this while looking into my eyes.

"And um who is this person who you envisioned a future with?" I asked quietly and he reached over and gently stroked my cheek and I shivered at the contract. His skin is so soft and warm.

"In due time I will let them know." He avoids a straightforward answer and tiptoes around the truth but I have a feeling of who he is talking about. 

"Well what if this person ends up with someone else?" 

"We're destined to be together, nothing can keep us apart." He said softly as he removed his hand and I held in a whimper at the loss of contract from his soft touch.

"You believe in a higher power, things beyond our control like destiny and fate?" I asked because I don't see a man like him believing in things like that. I have always thought there were things like fate and destiny, people are in our lives for a reason and we meet them at certain times in our lives, especially those who are meant to be there forever. 

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now