5. Travis

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Monday's. People always say how Monday is the worst day of the week because you gotta get back to your normal 9-5 routine but me? I love Mondays. It may also be because I love my job but whatever. Monday to me is like a redo each week, to make a better choice than you made last week, to make more time in your day to do something you didn't get to do last week and so on. 

My day starts at four AM with a workout in my home gym, no need to wake my boy so early. After I work out I shower, get dressed in my uniform, make breakfast and go wake my son to get him ready for preschool. I can't believe he is already in preschool. 

"Good morning champ." I softly rub his shoulder and he slowly opens his bright green eyes and when his eyes are focused he smiles and sits up in bed while yawning and rubbing his eye with his little fist.

"Morning dada." He said and climbed on my lap and cuddled with me. I place a soft kiss to his forehead and pick him up. 

"Go potty and I'll have your clothes ready for when you're done." I put him down and he runs to the bathroom. He is mostly fully potty trained but still has an accident once in a while which all kids do.

I'm amazed at how quickly he learned to use the toilet. One day he took his pull up off, went to the bathroom yelled for me to help him when he was done and refused to put the pull up back on instead he went to his little cubby with his extra clothes and put his big boy underwear on and since he hasn't worn pull ups except to bed at first and now he doesn't because he will wake up to go potty if he has to. 

"Done!" He giggled running back into his room, naked as the day he was born with his hands toward me, his way of showing me he washed his hands. He stopped at his bed and picked up his Spiderman underwear and put them on, his tan cargo shorts and his little man shirt, polo shirt that is baby pink. He loves the color and it looks good on him. He sits on his bed and I put on his sandals. Once he's dressed we head back to the bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth and wash his face. 

"You look so handsome and grown. Why do you have to get so big?" I asked and he shrugged his little shoulders and smiled up at me. I chuckled and we went to the kitchen where breakfast was kept warm and put his plate in front of him and we said our prayers before he picked up his fork and started eating, me soon joining him. 

My phone dinged and I looked down and saw my emails for the meetings I have this week. One for the new recruits for their uniforms, one for the ball that's coming up soon, one for the furniture that has to be put into the new barracks that were built recently so this week is going to be busy which is fine, busy days means they won't be boring. 

These meetings aren't just in my office, no I go to them and talk and help set things up as well so I'm not sitting on my ass doing paperwork all the time thank God. I don't know how those corporate people do it, sitting behind a desk all day doing mountains of paperwork that would drive me nuts. 

I do have a meeting with the arms dealer we have a contract with next week and that will be a long one. We have to go over all the details of the contract, fix anything that needs to be changed, have the lawyers for his company and the Army to look at it before it can be signed. 

The meeting is just to renew the contract, the Army and all the military branches have contracts with this company and have been in business with them for years. The only thing that has changed is the name when the new young CEO took over.

I looked into him and he is impressive and he definitely looks like a CEO. He's tall and handsome, his face though looks serious and I have no idea how his smile is as he hasn't smiled for any picture he is in that I have seen while looking him up. His eyes are this intense hazel color and his hair is black with some blonde highlights, very handsome indeed. His style screams wealth and I'm sure one of his suits costs way more than my truck. Meeting him is going to be nerve wracking to say the least. Thank goodness it's not until next week.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now