13. Travis

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Gregory's house well part of it ^^ top

The day at the beach, the whole evening, the sunset, that kiss, it was all so perfect that I didn't want to go home the next day after we spent a couple of hours watching a movie. Well it was on but we talked and cuddled until I felt myself going to sleep. I woke up in a bed in one of the many bedrooms his beautiful home had. The smell of breakfast is what got me out of bed and let me tell you, seeing Gregory standing at the stove with nothing on but his tight leave nothing to the imagination briefs is one sight I will never forget. 

After we ate he took me to Cooper's and we picked up Colby and Gregory spent the whole Sunday at my house with us. 

Colby was so happy and Gregory played everything Colby wanted to play with no complaint. We ate dinner and he had to go home to prepare for his work week so we kissed good night and he left. 

That was two weeks ago and I haven't seen him since. We both are busy and he has gone out of town for a couple of meetings and when he came back, it was me who had to go to another base. 

We talk on the phone and text all the time but it isn't enough, I need to see him. 

I told Cooper my idea and he seemed hesitant but said he will keep an eye on Colby for me which I was thankful for so this evening I'm going to Gregory's house. I hope he won't get mad if I just stop by without letting him know. 

It's after five so I logged out of my computer and shut everything off before leaving, going straight to my truck without bothering to change my uniform. The drive to his house is quiet and I can't help but think of when we were both in his Audi, that beautiful beast of a car making the same drive. 

I pull into the drive and see Alec's car but not Gregory's, maybe he parked in the garage. I get out and look around since I can pay attention this time and see that the land is well kept with bushes and trees, flowers and colored mulch along the walkway and in the flower beds. There are lights in between the stones on each side of the path to the porch and the grass is so green and healthy. He sure does take care of his property. 

The house is a light tan on the outside with big bay windows on the first floor, the second floor has a balcony with windows that look like they are as long as the side from the top to the where the balcony meets the bottom of the side of the house. I'm going to assume that's his bedroom. The rest of the second floor on the side I can see just has normal sized windows. 

I walk to the porch and ring the doorbell and wait. I hear voices and the door opens with two shirtless guys and one with flushed cheeks and hickeys on both of their necks.

"Travis! What are you doing here?" Alec asked as he grabbed a shirt from Peyton. 

"I came to see if Gregory was home." I answered and looked behind them into the foyer to see if I could see him.

"No I'm sorry, he's still at work since it's not even six. He works late hours. He usually comes home around ten, eleven if it's a long day. Did you try calling him? Also come in." Alec asked and opened the door wider for me. I walked in and was amazed at how nice it smells and it's so clean for a male to be living here, well two males.

"No, I wanted to surprise him since we haven't seen one another in two weeks. How has he been?" I asked as we walked into the living room. 

"He's been busy, but I know he misses you just as much as you miss him. Since his business went international, he has even spent a few nights at work to take meetings with whoever since there is a time difference." Damn it to hell. 

"Maybe I can go pick up dinner and take it to him. I need to see him." I said and they smiled. 

"That's a wonderful idea. He needs a distraction, he looks so stressed and tired so maybe seeing you will help." Peyton said and I thanked them and left to go get dinner and go see my boyfriend. 

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