16. Gregory

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This is a filler chapter before the deep shit happens in the next few, enjoy.

"What's got you in such a happy mood?" Gabriel asked as I was helping mom in the kitchen preparing for the celebration of finding my mate. 

I couldn't stop thinking about my weekend with Colby and Travis. It was the most fun I had in a long time besides hanging out with Alec and the time we had together. So many experiences in so little time. I loved it. Even work seemed less stressful for some reason, but I'm not complaining. 

"My mate, our weekend together and him finally deciding to get help for his phobia." I smiled wider. 

"Um, ok?" He said awkwardly and walked away. 

I really hope he finds his second chance mate. He's looking like a sick pup and doesn't have much time left. Being such a close family, we're all praying he finds him soon or we may not have him tomorrow. 

"So when do we get to meet this mate of yours?" Mama said. 

"You technically already did, through pictures and you have seen him I'm sure hanging around Cooper. We were taking things slow, it's Travis." She looked at me and hugged me to death. 

Mama may be a small lady but she's stronger than dad both mentally and physically. It's kind of cute that she can wipe the floor with him in training any day but dad never goes a hundred percent. 

I can't believe so much has changed in so little time. I found my mate, my company went International, I'm going to be a godfather, again… yup, a lot has definitely changed. I wonder if it's changed as drastically for Travis as it has for me. 

After a little while, I went outside and found my brother and his friends. "Hey guys, how's practice going?" 

They all looked at each other… slackers. 

"Ten laps around the pack borders." They all groaned but began to run but I stopped Gabriel for a second. 

"Gabe, why don't I talk to mom and dad about letting you go on a road trip to find your second chance mate? They're obviously not in the pack or at your school. You need to find them before we lose you. You don't have as many distractions as I did to keep your mind and soul off the pain. You graduate early and on top of your class, two weeks max is probably all you can get given Uncle Ryan is still the principal of the school." He sighed looking at me with those soulless eyes. 

"I'll see, but what's the point? No one likes me anyway. I'm the jock everyone is friends with because you're famous and we're the biggest pack so what's the point." He looked at me fighting his tears. 

"The point is if they're not in this town, they won't know about the pack unless there's a pack wherever you go and not many people outside of the town knows about you guys for protection. My company and personal life hardly interact if at all so don't worry. Besides, the friends you have now, things change." I said and hugged him. 

"Thanks, Gregory." He said and I smiled. 

"Take the shortcut, I won't tell." I chuckled as he ran off. 

When they came back they were all exhausted and probably dying inside. Wolf or not, ten laps was brutal when you're the biggest pack in Georgia. 

"Hello?" I answered my phone once it rang.

"Hey, love." I smiled to myself. 

"Hey babe how was therapy after work?" I asked. He hasn't told me why he was going exactly but I knew it was for the phobia and he played it off as delayed-onset PTSD. I didn't mind he wasn't ready to tell me but I just wanted to help him so damn bad. 

"It was… something. I couldn't even get out of the car to meet my therapist at the  park for therapy, it's storming and they sound like gunshots." I began to hear him sniffling. 

"Baby, everyone has a fear. Personally, I hate bugs, as long as I don't see them, we're good." It was the truth. No matter if you're a wolf or not supernatural, we all have our demons. My dad is afraid of snakes. A college roommate dumped a bucket of snakes on him as a Halloween joke and every time he sees a snake in the woods he high tails it outta here. 

"Did you get over it?" He asked. 

"To an extent, I can look at them for a far but if anything like a spider lands on me I'm ready to fight… but anyway, I'm sorry they used such a tactic on you for your first day. They should have known better and took things slower." At least that's what Rebecca said when it comes to phobias, you can't just jump into it. 

"Maybe I'll try to find one on my own, rather than the one we have at work." He said. 

"Sounds good love, if you need anything let me know." I said seriously. 

"I will, I love you, Gregory, have fun at your family reunion." He said. 

"I will and I love you too." I said before hanging up. 

Hours passed and more family members arrived. I was only half lying when I told him it was a family reunion but today is the day dad will make my alpha title official as I announce that I have finally found my mate. 

"Good evening everyone." Dad's voice boomed across the pack grounds and everyone got quiet and looked at dad.

"There are two reasons why we are all gathered here and one is that today, I am passing down the Alpha position to my son Gregory. He has worked hard for this and it is time he steps up and time for me to step back. I know my son will do a wonderful job in taking care of you all. Gregory?" He called me and I stepped up beside him. 

"Raise your right hand." I did as told and he put his left hand on my shoulder and raised his right hand and I put my left hand on his shoulder and he closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them, they were a bright red and he said the prayer to the moon Goddess and I instantly felt the power surge through my veins and I felt my body getting bigger with the power I felt. I felt strong, whole, complete. 

"Alpha Gregory Morgan!" Dad cheered and everyone got on one knee and bowed their heads. I stood up straight and looked at my pack, a pack I swear I will protect until my last breath. 

"Thank you, everyone. I'll keep this short and sweet and we can get back to the celebration. I found my mate a few months ago, his name is Travis Laden and he has a son who will be four in less than two weeks, his name is Colby. They are the Alpha family even if they don't know it. I have yet to tell my mate about us due to personal reasons but I assure you, he will know soon. I know having your Lunos by my side will complete the pack so please trust I will complete it as quickly as I can. Also I want to have Cooper and Rebecca come up here." The two make their way up to the stage and give strange looks to one another which I would have laughed at but now isn't the time.

"You two have worked your asses off right alongside me. I couldn't decide on who I wanted to be my Beta so I am asking the both of you to do it, together. I know you both are as passionate as I am about keeping the pack safe and you two have proved that over and over again so do you both accept to be my Betas?" I asked the shocked Betas who are both my best friends in their own way.

"I accept." They both said so my dad's Beta, Jackson which is Cooper's dad came on stage and swore them in basically as the Betas. 

"Now that is settled, on with the celebration!" I said and everyone cheered, congratulated us and gave words of praise as we made our way down the middle of everyone. 

The next time I do this will be with Travis, I hope. I have no idea how he is going to react once he knows, I just have a horrible feeling something is going to go horribly wrong. 

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