3. Gregory

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Trevor Signorino ^^ top as Alec

"Hey Gregory we're leaving in ten minutes, are you ready? Remember you have no option. I love you but I'll tear your hind if you're not out here soon." Dad said from his car phone when he called me and I gulped.

Even though he's retired from the army, running late is not an option. Last time I was late to dinner he had me run around the pack ten times in human form in the pouring rain and let me tell you, it was not fun given we own several acres of land.

I decided to go home after being at the packhouse for the past weekend and it's the first day of our week trip so I packed several pairs of clothes, both formal, casual, semi-casual, and semi-formal.

Now, dad isn't your typical stern hard-ass dad or stoic, uninterested in your personal life but he's all up in your business. Not in a bad way, but anyway, I'm rambling. He was not joking when he said he'd set time aside for me to get back into being a social butterfly.

"Five minutes late Gregory." He said and I groaned.

"I..." I started.

"No excuses, before you tour the city I expected fifty push-ups. I don't care when you do them but you have until sundown to get them done." He said and we headed out.

"Yes sir." I said yawning.

"Take a nap, our first stop is Cobra Peak in Pennsylvania. That's thirteen hours so rest well." Dad said and I nodded.

"Thanks, dad." I said resting my head on the pillow against the window I brought.

I have no idea how long I was asleep but soon enough I felt a nudge against my left ribs.

"Yea dad?" I asked, stretching in my seat.

"We're a few hours away." He said.

"How? You said it was thirteen hours driving." I looked at him.

"Traffic was pretty light, that's why I wanted to leave so early, we'll stop at a motel closer to Pennsylvania but for now let's stop and get something to eat, I'm starving and so are you. Your stomach rang loud and clear while you were sleeping." He said walking towards the roadside diner and gas station.

"I can drive the rest of the way if you want." I said looking at dad from across the booth.

"You still look like you could use more sleep, I know you haven't been getting much sleep." I internally grumbled. Rebecca the snitch.

Dad just snickered.

"Before you go blaming Rebecca, your face says it all. Not to mention I was where you were. I didn't meet your mother until we were deployed together when we were in our twenties just as you are. You really need to take some time off Gregory, you know very well you yourself don't have to meet every client. You can have any one of your assistants or whoever make the deal as long as you trust them to make the deal." Dad said.

He was right, but I didn't become the youngest CEO by sitting on my ass and letting others do my work. I get up and do it myself to prove to my clients I mean business and take it very seriously.

"I promise I'll take more time off... after this big deal." I smirked and he grumbled.

I don't get my hard head from just anyone or my drive of hard work.

"Fine, but after this deal, I want you to at least take one or two days off every other week. Your mother is worried sick and with you still being on the family health insurance, I know your health is declining. You'll be dead before you even meet your mate. Being Alpha and your father I shouldn't be recommending this but why don't you try settling down with someone? Make your own bond with someone." Dad said looking at me.

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