35. Travis

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Geneva Dawn Morgan is finally here!! ^^

"Colby James!" I yelled for my son when I stepped on yet another damned lego, making me almost fall. It's hard to see past my huge belly so we told Colby many times to make sure his toys were picked up out of the way from where we walk, especially me right now.

"Yes daddy?" He popped up behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"Toy in my foot." I lifted my foot and he picked the lego from between my toes.

"Sorry daddy."

"Colby we have told you many times to make sure your toys are picked up and you won't listen so you make sure your toys are picked up and you need to clean your room, now young man." I said and he ran off to the living room to pick his toys up after he picked up the trail of Legos I would have stepped on if he didn't that I couldn't even see.

Our little girl is due any day now so everyone has been put on Luna duty per Gregory's orders. I can't even go to the bathroom without telling someone where I'm going. After seeing what Justin went through, I'm not going to complain. I'd rather have someone know where I am instead of not in case I go into labor and need help.

I decided to have a c-section because that fear is still there no matter how many times I was told I'll be fine, I just want to be sure my baby will be healthy and alive, myself as well.

We got her nursery done weeks ago and all the shopping done so we are ready, just waiting on her to decide to want to be here. She is growing beautifully and is healthy. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and see who she looks like. I would love for her to look like her papa because he truly is a beautiful man and if she got his looks, better watch out whoever her mate is is all I'm gonna say.

With all the craziness going on, Gregory forgot to tell me once he bit Colby, all traces of DNA from his mother are gone and are replaced with Gregory's. Now Colby won't be an Alpha though, he wasn't born an Alpha but he could possibly be a high ranking wolf when he grows so we have to wait and see for that.

"Luna Travis." Rogue called out to me from the hallway, I was in my baby girl's room to make her bed since I had washed the sheets, again. I just want everything to be perfect for her.

"In the nursery." I answered and he walked in and saw me trying to reach the corner of the mattress so he came over to help me.

"Whew thanks, that was a struggle. She's pushing out so it makes it harder to bend." I said and he helped me sit in the rocking chair next to the window.

"No problem. Has she been doing that a lot?"

"Mhm all day on and off."

"I'm not so sure it's her, it could be contractions. Do they bring you any pain?"

"Not at first but it's getting more intense as they come."

"We should go see Dr. Emma." He got up and helped me stand back up and we walked down the hallway to the ramp from the end of the hall to the downstairs, it comes in handy for pregnant wolves and elderly wolves.

"Paxton has Colby, Beta Cooper is on his way with David."


"Already done. He's leaving work now." Rogue finished my thought and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he waved me off.

"No problem Luna." We made it to the infirmary and Dr. Emma was waiting already and knew Rogue had linked her to let her know I was coming.

"Right this way Luna. I'm going to put these around you to check if you are having contractions and if you are, we will prep you for surgery." I sat down on a comfy chair and she put two bands around my belly, one to measure contractions and one for her heartbeat.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now