14. Gregory

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Song up top they sing together

"I still can't believe you got Colby a dog." Rebecca said. 

"I needed a way to ease Travis into what we are without coming out full force." I said as we went through the paperwork I had for this week. 

"How did you even convince Travis anyway? Didn't Cooper say he had to save Travis from a bunch of four-legged yellow-eyed monsters as Travis described them." It wasn't easy, I'll tell you what. 

"That's all true, he was attacked or almost attacked by rogues until Cooper saved him but even then he freaked out and started throwing rocks at them all including Cooper but it's a puppy so I'm sure until it's full grown he'll tolerate the dog for Colby's sake. If he took the dog away now it'll only cause a bigger problem with them." I sighed. 

"Has he ever gone to therapy for his phobia, that's not just fear at this point." She said. 

"Look at you using your psychology degree perks or whatever." I snickered. 

"I don't think he has and even as his mate, it's not my place to ask especially because it was Cooper who told me and not Travis himself. If I brought it up it would be suspicious." I stressed to her. 

"Well Alpha, I wish you luck with your mate." She said sincerely but a slightly teasing tone laced in. 

"Up yours." I laughed when she gasped and sped walked out as best as she could. Of all people, Rebecca was having twins. 

After I finished the last few things I needed to, I packed my briefcase and grabbed my computer bag. 

On the way home, I was really at a loss on how to tell Travis about us. I don't want us to get too deep into this relationship just for it to crumble because I didn't tell him sooner. When did my life turn so chaotic? What did I do to the universe for them to give me this life of madness? 

As I got home, I called Alec into my room.

"What's up Gregory?" He asked. 

"Can you watch Bolt for the weekend?" I asked, referring to Colby's dog. It's a white husky and he insisted on naming it after a Disney character. 

"Sure, that's no problem." He said. 

"One more thing… can you help me pack?" I said as my hands forgot how to work. I may not verbally say how royally nervous I am especially with these new developments in knowing Travis has Lupophobia which makes telling him so much harder. 

"Yea no problem, are you ok? I've never seen you like this." He asked with serious concern.

"I'm not, Cooper told me some things about Travis' past and I just don't know how to feel about it." I admitted. 

"Well whatever it is, you'll figure it out. You always do or you wouldn't be the youngest CEO in Georgia or the world I'm sure." He smiled. 

"Thanks for the pep talk Alec, I really needed that with the week I've been having." I collapsed on my bed. 

"Anytime, so are you picking them up, or are they coming here?" He looked at me. 

"Once I get up from this bed we'll be heading over so pack a small weekend bag and not your entire room, you know you have a tendency to overpack, you'll only be there for two and a half days." I chuckled lightly. 

He just huffed and walked away without a word and I went to go take a shower. 

"Gregory, what's taking so long?" I heard Alec knocking on my bathroom door. Shit, I fell asleep standing up.

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