33. Travis

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It's been so quiet the past few days. Since the baby shower and Justin giving birth, which absolutely scared the absolute crap out of me. I'm a little intimidated now I won't lie. Gregory assured me though that everything will be fine and he's covered all bases thanks to his parents.

Other than that nothing has happened. It's been a complete ghost town. Unmated wolves request to leave to find their mates in other packs, we grant requests of unmated wolves wanting to visit our pack for the same reason.

The most exciting thing that's happened has been playing matchmaker and helping Sammy's parents get back together. It was definitely an emotional few months having them try and rekindle their love. After a year and some months it finally happened but not without a lot of blood, sweat and tears, literally. At first, Sammy's father wanted nothing to do with his mother but after much consoling and counseling, he was more open to the idea.

"Luna why don't you take a break, it's nap time for the little ones. At this point, you're staring off into space again." My Beta, Paxton teased.

"Really funny, you're a true comedian." I playfully glared.

"I try my best." He shrugged.

"How's the search for your mate?" I asked him as he helped me out of the rocking chair I was in.

"I'm starting to think I've been born mateless. I've gone to several packs since I turned of age over four years ago. I have yet to meet them." He said.

"And you will, just gotta keep your head up. Whoever your mate is, cherish them. I missed so much time being with Gregory because I was dealing with my phobia." I said honestly to him.

"I will, I know the importance of mates. I've waited so long." He said looking up at the sky.

"In the meantime why don't you try dating? Dating doesn't have to include sex, I know you're waiting for your mate so why not try to get to know people. You said love is love no matter the gender so that leaves the possibility of finding someone that much more..."

"Complicated." He chuckled.

"Not necessarily, I mean you already know what you value in a partner so it'll be easier to let the ones you have no connection to down. You're not obligated to give everyone you meet a chance. Look at Carter. He met some really messed up people who manipulated him into giving them a shot and ended up broken. Stick to your morals, remember who you are. If they can't accept you for who you are then they're not worth your time." I said.

"Thanks, Luna, I appreciate it." He smiled and I nodded.

A few hours later, Gregory had come home from work and picked up Colby from school.

"Dada!!!" My kiddo called out running into my legs.

"Well aren't you in an extremely good mood." I chuckled.

"Remember he had a school field trip at the interactive science museum." Gregory chuckled. I see, no wonder his hair is so messy. He must have touched one of those static balls.

"I forgot." I chuckled.

"I got gifts too dada." Colby said fighting his way out of my grasp probably wanting to get to his bag.

"Is that so?" I asked and he went straight to his bag.

"I did." He said nodding. He's growing up so fast, I don't like it one bit.

As Colby was finished passing out his gifts I heard growling in the woods.

"Everyone who is unable to fight, into the safe room. No children are to be spotted outside." I gave the order and everyone unable to fight was ushered inside.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now