36. Gregory

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Geneva Dawn is finally here, my beautiful sweet little girl is here. I am always with her, spending as much time with her as I possibly could. The moment I held her tiny body in my arms I was hooked. She is such a good baby. She is quiet and when she cries, it sounds like a baby mouse squeaking, it's so adorable.

She is a breath of fresh air and has me wrapped around her little finger and I'm putty when it comes to her. I don't let her out of the suite, she hasn't left it since she was brought in. There is no reason for her to be outside of the suite even if we are at the packhouse. This is a critical time for me as an Alpha to bond with my pup and no one dares to even come knock without mind linking me they want to see us.

Travis has tried key word tried to get me to let him take her out of the suite but one look from Rift and he dropped it. Mom said dad was the same way with Gabriel and I when we were pups. She said we weren't out of the suite until we were six months old. Everything we needed was delivered or members of the pack brought it and dad went downstairs to get whatever it was so there was no need to leave.

I haven't even gone into work, I took paternity leave for a couple of months but I do the final details of deals from my office in the suite and fax everything so I'm not neglecting my work, just doing it differently for now. Everyone understands the need to be with your baby when you're a first time parent so they understand.

Now you may think what about Colby? Yes he is my son and I bonded with him and when I turned him, he became my son biologically but I wasn't there when he was born, I didn't get to experience all those precious moments with him when he was a baby. He has been my son since the moment I met him and I always make sure he knows he is loved even with having a baby in the house.

He is an amazing big brother. He helps with what he can with her and he loves to hold her and talk to her, telling her all his secrets and telling her how to get away with things and tells her to always make sure she puts her toys away because papa and daddy always tell him that. I love watching them, they are my entire world along with my beautiful amazing Luna.

Travis is the best mate anyone could ever ask for. The pack is definitely thriving a lot more since he has taken his Luna role over full-time and focuses on the needs of the pack. He helps with a lot of emotional issues and calms the pack down, given he's Luna, that's part of his power as a Luna.

He calms and keeps the peace when issues arise as to where I am the Alpha, I'm completely different with how I handle the pack. Which is exactly why it's best to have an Alpha and Luna to take care of a pack, to balance it out as well as one another. He has taken on training the pups and preteens more so than the teens and adults, he leaves them to the warriors and myself when I do go to training. Like I said, I spend a lot of time with my little girl.

"Well this is such a sweet thing to see." Travis said in his sexy sleepy voice slowly walking up to me, me with Geneva in a baby sling attached to my bare chest, skin to skin contact is best is what I have been told so whenever I can, I'm shirtless and she is as well but with a blanket around her back when she's in the sling so we can bond.

"Oh love, go back to bed, it's three thirty in the morning. I got her so go back to bed." I said looking at my tired Luna. His eyes were half way open and he was dragging his feet.

"Are you sure?" He asked and yawned. I kissed him gently and he put his head on my shoulder and put his hand on Geneva's back and rubbed it softly.

"Yes love, I'm sure. She just needed changed and was hungry but she should go back to sleep soon since she's taken care of. You had a busy day yesterday so I know you're tired. I'll be in soon. I love you." I kissed his forehead and he nodded, kissed Geneva and me and went back to bed. I myself should follow that advice but I don't dare part with my Princess.

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