32. Gregory

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To say I was beyond shocked when Travis told me we were pregnant was an understatement. After four heats it finally happened. Honestly, I suspected it, I knew all the signs of pregnancy since I took a course or two on childbirth and the signs and symptoms. We exhausted all possibilities wondering what was wrong with him.

Before the pregnancy, he was never sick so I figured it out eventually or at least hoped it finally happened. Something had changed, that's all I knew. He was moody most of the time and sick for a bit until we got pills, I didn't know it was for morning sickness until Travis told me. He was horny twenty-four seven to the point we were doing it before I left for the office for the day and before bed. Then he started gaining some weight only in the abdomen area so I knew.

The most shocking part was it was a girl. In all the generations before me until now it was always a boy born first to take the Alpha title. This is the first time in history a girl had been born first. Not that I regret it in any way either. When we told my parents they were over the moon. My dad was excited to have a granddaughter, he said it would be good to have more girls in the Alpha family to balance out all the testosterone with mom being the only girl until Gabriel found his mate, who I assumed would be a guy. Gabriel has always been the fragile one out of the two of us. He could definitely pass for a bottom.

"The preparations for the lunas are coming together nicely." Cooper commented.

"The omegas really outdo themselves. With every event we have, it's always bigger and better than the last." I said as we walked through the pack lands.

"And Ajax is still unaware it's for his mate as well?" He asked.

"Yup, knowing him he'd try to micromanage and overwhelm himself and with everything going on with his mate Carter he definitely has had his hands full. Thankfully they're in a decent place now without the awkwardness and bitter questions." I said.

"I see, it's wonderful they're all working on rebuilding their bonds and mending their broken hearts." He said and I nodded.

"It is, I know Ajax has had it rough since his parents died so prematurely and grew a shell to protect his heart. I'm glad to see with each mate he has grown into a fine young alpha. I know he's not much younger than me but I do consider him family and a younger brother so I'm proud he's come so far." I smiled.

"Everyone has their challenges, we are all one and the same in some ways so it takes more than one person to help guide you in the right direction. Maybe that's why the moon goddess granted him two mates." Cooper stated.

"You could very well be right Cooper." I chuckled.

"I learn from the best." He winked at me and I shook my head.

"How is David? I heard you're trying for a third or is it fourth by now?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I'm offended, we are only at three thank you very much. You assume after every mission I come home from we hump like Bunnies." He pouted and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Bud, I know you love your mate and it shows. I was only trying to rile you up." I patted his back and he blushed.

"Sorry Alpha." He said rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"You're forgiven. I'd have the same reaction myself if someone assumed all I thought about after being away was sex. I have my priorities so I understand." I smiled.

"Wanna go for a run for old times sake? David and Travis won't be back for a few hours and Alpha Ajax doesn't get here for another two or so hours." I smiled widely. It's been a while since the two of us ran together for the hell of it.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now