19. Travis

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Another song to get you to feel the feels, ^^ there

Now I know why people call Gregory Morgan a heartless cold son of a bitch. He got close to me, to my son, made me fall in love with him, become vulnerable and let him in. 

All to use my worst fear against me. He knew how much wolves and dogs scare me out of my mind and he has to make fun of me for it? I never knew he could be so low and hurt me like he did.

"You know you'll have to talk to him at some point." Cooper said and I sighed declining the call. 

"How am I supposed to talk to him? He used us. I lost my son to him…" I huffed. 

"And you have every right to be upset, you know that's not what I meant. You know we're trained to assess and rationalize. What's the motive that he would have broken up with Alec just to use and abuse you and Colby? You said it yourself before all this that you felt the love was genuine. I know you feel it in your heart that not all love is lost. Knowing Gregory, really knowing him do you think that was the way he'd try to get under your skin?" I hate when this asshole was better at this than I was. 

"But Colby…" He just sighed and we sat on the bed. 

"Look bro, do you honestly feel the way to say you do about him?" He stared at me intensely. 

"No of course not Cooper but it just seemed too suspicious he'd make up such a lie shortly after I told him after my fear." I sighed and grunted. 

"Then why wait so long to use it against you, did you ever think about that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. 

If what he says is true…then I fucked up really bad. 

"I fucked up bad didn't I? It's been about a month, what if he's moved on? What if he hates me? I can't lose him." I said feeling my heart breaking more for being such an idiot. 

"Look, you have enough vacation time to at least visit your family back west, you both still need time to get past this and start anew and you need to reconnect with Colby. He may only be four but he's a born analyst, he feels the tension and realizes something is going on with you and Gregory just knowing his papa isn't around anymore is hurting him also. Everyone is affected in some way or another. Go visit your parents, get your mind right, come back then we can slowly see about getting you both to at least talk it out and not jumping to conclusions." I just bit my lip and nodded. 

As much as I wanted to beg for forgiveness, he was right, I needed to get my mind right and even if he's a werewolf, I wouldn't be able to be around him still so I need to continue with therapy. 

"How are you so calm about all this, aren't you the least bit freaked out by the news your best friend is a werewolf? I mean it's a bit out there." He chuckled. 

"It's no different than believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny or tooth fairy when you were a kid. There's a lot out there still left to be discovered. Who's to say if werewolves are the only thing that exists out there?" He just shrugged. 

"You are an ass." He laughed. 

"If I wasn't married I wouldn't mind showing it to you either." He just straight up busted out laughing and I blushed every shade of red. 

After more wise wisdom from my brother, we drove a bit until we got to our job and I put in for leave.

Cooper wasn't kidding when he said I could take so much needed time off. I have at least two months' worth of vacation time but I rather save them for a special occasion, hopefully for my future honeymoon, whenever that may be. 

"Dada do you not like papa anymore?" Colby asked playing with his toy car in the backseat behind me. 

Shit, how the hell am I supposed to explain a breakup to a four-year-old?

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now