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A  G  U  A  M  E  N  T  I

( AH - gwah - MEN - tee )

" conjures water "


LYRA STOOD STONE faced at the head of the table, glancing at the different Order members that occupied the chairs. Nymphadora and Sirius were both watching with childlike glee invaded their features.

"I've said it loads of times, Mad-Eye," Lyra groaned, "I will not spy on my best friend!"

Moody slammed his staff into the decaying floorboard of Twelve Grimmauld Place, "You're a member of the Order so you'll do as you're told, girl!"

Lyra's magic felt like static in her veins, getting increasingly hotter and more fervent when she thought about Harry and his lonesome summer. Sirius watched her hands shake and placed one of his hands onto of hers.

"How many times had you almost died by the time you were fifteen?" Lyra raised her eyebrows, "Yeah, none."

The members of the Order of The Phoenix remained silent, a few shifted uncomfortably.

"Collectively, me and Harry have almost died eight times," She held up eight fingers, Nymphadora watched her hands shake, "That's eight too many, and you've left him defenceless!"

Moody slammed his palm onto the rotting kitchen table, his magical blue eye whizzed frantically. "We're protecting him."

"No we aren't!" Lyra gripped the roots of her ginger hair, shaking it under the dim light stands of burn red flicked sparsely, "We're watching from afar. He should be here. With us, with me."

She whispered the last part, feeling like a pathetic child, whining to get her own way.

"Don't be selfish, girl, it's for his protection." Moody enforced, his breath heavy and harsh.

"Selfish?" She scoffed, "Of course I'm going to be selfish! I needed him, and you were all stupid enough to keep him away. I needed my dad, who has been the only stable person in my life, but you tore me away from him for my protection—,"

"Because The Dark Lord wants to kill you, Fairfax!" Kingsley Shacklebolt shouted.

"And he doesn't want to kill Harry?" She looked at him in disbelief, watching him sink back at her retort, "That's what he's been trying to do since he gain the slightest bit of power. But Harry's protection is an abusive household and a time table of stalkers!"

With his wooden leg, Moody kicked the table harshly, making it vibrate against Lyra's crackling palms.

"You do as I say, or you won't be a member any longer!" Moody growled ferociously, "You shouldn't of been in the first place, I told Dumbledore a child like you wasn't ready for serious problems."

Nymphadora's hair turned white as she, along with everyone else, recoiled into their seats at the notion. Lyra gawked at Moody, lightening cracked across her subdued blue eyes.

"Not ready for serious problems? I looked into my best friends lifeless eyes, in a cemetery I was set to, to be killed," Her voice started to raise with each word, the pearlescent scars that painted her neck throbbed painfully.

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