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( AH - kee - oh )

" to summon "


LYRA SPENT TWO nights in the hospital wing, surrounded by her friends and teachers. George was there to hold her after the first of many nightmares to come.

It took Harry the longest to finally see Lyra again. He couldn't come to terms with the fact his best friend had endured the first of many tortures. The first - although short lived - of many imprisonments.

Lyra was sat with a book gripped between her fingers. Harry could hear her sniffling as she turned the page. Harry sat down in the chair Draco Malfoy had occupied only minutes before, but he didn't know that.

Lyra waited for him to begin the conversation, she knew he still needed time to see her and not remember her screams.

"We have a, uh, meeting in two weeks," Harry mumbled, "Everyone's excited to ask you questions about what happened, but I told them that you would tell everyone when you're ready."

Lyra smiled, wiping the tears that glittered on her cheeks, "Thanks, Harry. I appreciate it."

"Lyra, I'm so—,"

"Don't finish that sentence, Harry Potter." She chided, "You have nothing to apologise for!"

Harry looked up at her, his eyes were vibrant and entrancing in the light, "I love you, you know. I think of you as my sister."

"I love you too, Harry. You're like a brother to me." She whispered, "We'll get through this."


Lyra floated into potions early on a brisk November morning. She had been kept up all night by yet another nightmare, Dobby made her a hot chocolate at four in the morning as they watched the sunrise together. He sat in Cedric's spot.

"Good morning, Uncle!" She chirped, sliding into her seat.

Severus smiled at Lyra, he tried to ignore the purple rings that plagued her under eyes, but they were too prominent on her milky skin.

"Nightmare?" Severus asked sympathetically, sliding a vial of dreamless sleeping potion into her hand. "Who was it this time?"

"Draco and Harry." She whispered in utter disappointment.

A few students began filing into the classroom, Lyra smiled with a trembling jaw and slid the potion into her bag. Draco sat beside her, with one glance he could tell something was wrong.

"Nightmare?" He whispered as Professor Snape began to talk.

She nodded solemnly, twisting her quill between her fingers. She shook her head 'no' before he could even ask if she wanted to discuss it.

They were brewing wit-sharpening potions as the toad-like woman inspected Professor Snape and his teaching skills. Lyra caught Draco's wrist seconds before he ruined their potion was a small twist of his hand.

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