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E  N  G  O  R  G  I  O

( en - GOR - gee - oh )

" to enlarge "


SHE STRAIGHTENED HER silver serpent necklace and checked her appearance in the mirror once more. Remus has walked in earlier and gifted her a black cap she had seen before.

"I'm sure she would've given this to you."

Most of the houses inhabitants were still sleeping in their draughty and bland bedrooms, many were crawling with mould and moss.

Tonks was stirring her tea with her finger, circling it above the cup as she read the Daily Prophet. Lyra was greeted with a cheerful 'good morning' while she poured the milk into her tea mug.

"You're dressed up for a day of reading and replying to your star-crossed lover boy." Tonks pointed out, amusement laced within her words.

Lyra dropped into one of the wooden chairs, gasping when it creaked and teetered against the floorboards. She lifted her cup without ever touching it.

"I'm going out again," Lyra gave her a tight lipped smile from behind her chipped mug.

"Same place you always go?" Tonks murmured.

"Same place I always go," Lyra nodded, "I need answers, Tonks. I can't wallow in the dark any longer."

The metamorphagus nodded stiffly, rustling the page of her prophet. "I don't like this, Lyra. You'll get yourself killed one day."

She jumped up after chugging her lukewarm tea, it was bland and sugarless; leaving a bitter taste in Lyra's mouth. "I know." She replied casually.

"But I can't let myself suffocate in this house any longer, my light is just slowly dimming," Lyra forced a smile, "I'd rather let it burn brighter and run the risk of it being snuffed, than let it slowly die out voluntarily."

Tonks couldn't find a vantage point, so she remained quiet. A smile played on her lips when a pang of affection tugged in her heart strings. She could see a fragment of herself in the young girl.

Remus wandered into the kitchen mere minutes after Lyra had slipped away from the house unnoticed. Well, almost unnoticed.

"Where's she going this time?" Remus sighed, holding his head in his hands.

Tonks clicked her tongue and flicked the page of the Daily Prophet, "I can't tell you."

"We need to know for her safety, Nymphadora." Remus struggled to keep his voice calm.

Tonks slammed her paper down, staring daggers at Remus, "Don't call me Nymphadora!" She huffed, "It's something she needs to do to find herself, she'll tell you when she's ready."


The broom ride to Yorkshire was filled with an unusual sense of dread that burrowed in the depths of her stomach. Her broom was hidden in a section of unearthed grass, covered with an odd patch of colourful lilies.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐒            a draco malfoy fanfiction [𝟐] [✓]Where stories live. Discover now