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( KROO - see - oh )

" to torture "


THE MANOR WAS cold and unwelcoming to Narcissa, even though she had resided their for the majority of her life. The sun room was her favourite room, open windows and a sky roof. Where Draco took his first steps.

Lucius had left earlier in the day, insisting Narcissa to drop the subject and let him be. Bellatrix liked to broadcast, show off. Her pouty, child-like voice forced shivers of Narcissa's skin.

"A trap, Cissy." Bellatrix mused, "Potter is finally ours."

So, Narcissa did what any good, pure blood wife would do. She sat, sipping tea in her favourite room, undisturbed and content. The clock's hand hit the early hours of the morning before the fireplace roared.

Someone was humming a tune, a deceivingly cheerful tune. Bellatrix had returned, skipped through the dark corridors, heels rattling the mahogany floorboards.

Narcissa vacated the sun room, hastily heading towards Bellatrix. She wouldn't let anybody taint her sun room. Poised and elegant, she smiled at her sister.

"That's and odd little tune, Bella." She remarked, drumming her fingers against the cover of her book, "I don't think I've heard it before."

A playful spark came to live in Bellatrix's eyes. She smiled, her tongue in between rotten teeth. "I made it myself, Cissy. The lyrics are the best part."

Narcissa stood patiently, her back straight and face masked with a cold smile. Her cheeks ached and her legs groaned. Bellatrix laughed and began singing.

"I killed Lyra Fairfax, I killed Lyra Fairfax..."

Bellatrix's singing got progressively more manic and dazed, she jumped chaotically and skipped past Narcissa — heading for her room. The slam of a door spurred Narcissa Malfoy towards the floo, going to the one place open.

"Severus Snape's Quarters, Hogwarts." The floo rumbled to life and lifted her past fireplace after fireplace before she elegantly step out into Snape's sitting room.

Narcissa wasn't supposed to care for this girl, not at all. Her whole life she was told to never care for a muggleborn. But Severus, he was elated the day Lyra arrived into the world and immediately sent word to a pregnant Narcissa. They would've been in the same year, if not for fate and it hold on her life.

The girl she had met on Platform nine and three quarters was intriguing. A Hufflepuff, niece of Severus Snape, muggleborn. A proclivity for dark magic. The Dark Lord would reward Narcissa and her family if she recruited Lyra.

The thought made her sick.

Her son thought he was sly and secretive... in a house of Slytherins. Narcissa had found the stack of Lyra's letters hidden in a locked drawer.

The girls handwriting wasn't up to pure blood standards, but her way with words and insights into books. Her handwritten poetry and latin phrases. The references to constellations and their mythology. She was wise beyond her years.

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