
1.9K 111 187


R  E  P  A  R  O

( reh - PAH - roh )

" to fix "


LYRA GRIPPED HER wand tighter as Harry began to address the students of Dumbledore's Army. After six long months of helping her fellow pupils improve their skills; Harry felt as though it was time to tackle patronuses.

Of course, Lyra could already conjure a patronus with ease, but for educational purposes Harry was going to 'teach her.'

Fred send her a playful wink, George copied him soon after. She flushed pink and brushed down her skirt to occupy her self. Harry was busy telling everyone how hard this particular spell was to master.

Harry stands proud, looking vaguely like a real professor as he begin to teach. Lyra strangely revelled in standing beside Harry like a beautiful assistant she saw muggle magicians use.

"A patronus is a protector." Said Harry, "conjured from your happiest memories which power the — it's, ability."

Lyra stepped in smoothly, "Don't be disheartened if it takes more than one meeting, that's completely normal."

Harry shot her a gratuitous smile and cleared his throat.

"A patronus," Harry tells the room, "is dancing in a thunderstorm on the Quidditch field, it's Fred and George stealing your glasses and having to chase them down the corridor."

The twins curtsied dramatically, earning ripples of laughter. Harry chuckled before carrying on.

"It's being top of the class in potions, receiving a new book in the holidays. Your dad and Sirius hugging for the first time in your life."

Harry lent into her, his voice barely above a whisper, "It's meting Malfoy at the Astronomy tower."

Lyra eyes snapped open when her patronus danced around the room, the russian blue cat chased its own tail and nuzzled against Harry's arm. Her mouth opened and closed aimlessly as she gawked at Harry.

"Come on, Ly, did you really think I had the Marauder's Map and never used it?" He mused in an awkward but comforting moment.

"Harry, I—," She couldn't even begin to explain herself.

"Don't, Lyra." He huffed, encasing her in a brotherly embrace. "I'll never understand what you see in the slimy ferret."

Lyra slapped the back of Harry head the best she could. "Oi!"

Harry laughed, glancing over at Ginny, who was the first to produce a patronus. A horse circled her.

"I hope he knew I'll rip his fingers off, if he ever hurts you." Harry mumbled.

Lyra looked at his sceptically, "I love you, Harry. But Gods, you could barley crack my finger."

The Room of Requirements lit up with wisps of blue and silver, most took form by the end of the meeting. An otter swam along side a swan. A horse and stag galloped around two flushed faces.

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