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I  M  P  E  D  I  M  E  N  T  A

( im - PED - i - MEN - ta )

" to hinder movement "


THE FIRST QUIDDITCH match had finally arrived in a whirlwind of anticipation for some, and other, the time just passed by.

Daphne had roped Lyra into sitting in the Slytherin stand so she didn't have to endure Pansy Parkinson alone. Although, Daphne hadn't taken into account the states and sneers Lyra would earn in the Slytherin stand.

Daphne was huddled under Theo's Slytherin scarf, occasionally shivering as they waited for the player to arrive. Lyra hid her hands in a large Slytherin jumper she had worn especially for this match.

Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor stands when the players emerged, Slytherins followed close after. The two girls lent over the railings to watch the line of green approach red.

"Off topic, but have you and Draco kissed yet?" Daphne asked offhandedly when the game began.

Lyra spluttered out a string of incoherent words, her eyes round and swimming deep in worry. She parted her lips to speak, but only a mouse like squeak escaped.

"No! No, where've you gotten that idea from," She laughed nervously, "That's crazy, positively mad, Daph, honestly."

The blonde just laughed and turned back to the game, watching her boyfriend zoom towards Fred and George Weasley. Lyra was scratching at her tights, fiddling with her skirt occasionally.

"That's 10-nil to Slytherin." Lee Jordan announced over the tannoy.

Screams of delight pierced Lyra's ears, making her head rattle painfully. She heard a garbled 'Go Drakie Poo.' and couldn't decide whether to erupt in laughter or revisit her lunch.

Draco was perched on his broom lazily, glancing around towards Harry ever so often in case the snitch appeared. His eyes dragged towards the green stand, she was sat there, beside Daphne on the front row.

Wearing his Slytherin jumper, his jumper.

Lyra shivered violently on the balcony of the Astronomy Tower, watching the stars she'd grown so accustom to.

"Salazar's sake, Fairfax," Malfoy groaned, "you're shaking like a shitting Hippogriff."

"I'm cold, alright!" She scoffed, "Not my fault all that pure blood is keeping you nice and toasty."

She felt him push her up and off of his chest. Lyra assumed he was offended by her off handed joke about blood, which was a topic they usually stayed away from.

A lump of fabric landed in her lap, it was a knit green jumper she had seen Draco wearing moments ago. An elated smile itched to dawn her face but she willed it away.

"Put it on before you freeze to death, Fairfax," He ordered, "I don't feel like being chartered away to Azkaban for your death."

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