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( ex - PEK - toh pa - TRO - num )

" to conjure a spirit guardian "


BLAISE HAD NEVER before seen Lyra sob the way she did after her argument with Hermione. The Slytherins had staked claim over the sobbing girl and brought her down to their common room, ordering everyone to leave.

Blaise watched as Daphne held her tightly through her body wracking sobs. She couldn't even form a coherent sentence, broken words slipped past her lips. 'Cedric' and 'Malfoy' being the most common.

Blaise and Theo were trying; so hard. It was easier for the latter, he had dealt with Daphne crying on multiple occasions. Blaise had never experienced something this painful to watch.

The portrait swung open minutes later, revealing a tried looking Draco Malfoy. He stood frozen to the spot when he saw Lyra crumbling in Daphne's arms.

"Drake, mate," Blaise began as softly as he could, "Now's not the time, I'll see you in our dorm."

Lyra lifted her head at the mention of his name. She was broken. The fragile glass had finally shattered, he had kept her together for so long. Now he had to collect the pieces and cast the Reparo.

The world seemed to shift back into place when Draco saw how beautiful Lyra still looked, even with tear tracks and burning cheeks. A sniffling nose and raw, shaking lips. Her eyes drew him in and tangled him into the tears that kept falling.

Lyra left the warmth of Daphne's embrace to stand before Draco. He expected a punch in the face, a hard slap if she was feeling nice. When he closed his eyes, the impact never came.

Instead he was winded by the ferocity of her embrace. Her tears burning holes into his crisp shirt; he didn't care. Draco just wrapped his arms around her tightly and remained still.

"I hate you, I hate you." She said over and over, like a broken record, "How could you say that? How could you, of all things?"

Lyra twisted the grip on his shirt, clutching the material in her fists. Blaise, Theo and Daphne were all looking in a perplexed manner at the two they though were foes.

"I don't hate you, I really like you." She choked out, "I hate your father, his id-ideals and yours, I hate that I'm a mug-mu-mudblood. I hate that Cedric's dead! Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

She burst into a fresh round of tears, flowing down her face in scorching streams, clawing against her star blessed cheeks. Draco dipped his head to whisper in her ear.

"Don't call yourself that."

"Why not?" She whimpered into his chest, "it's what I am, it's what you called me, it's what most the pe-the people in this dorm call me."

He pulled her head up slightly, looking into her eyes. Nowhere but her eyes. Godric, even flooded with tears, her eyes were still captivating.

Draco pressed a lingering kiss onto Lyra lips, unsure of what else to do. They were red and dressed in salty tears, but that didn't matter.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐒            a draco malfoy fanfiction [𝟐] [✓]Where stories live. Discover now