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S  C  O  U  R  G  I  F  Y

( SKUR - ji -fy )

" to clean "


IT WAS DAMP, dark. For a comforting second, Lyra thought she was back at Hogwarts, that everything was a horrific nightmare she would tell to Harry. It was reality.

She didn't know the time, or how long she had slept, whether it was still day one or now pushing through the wained sky in day two. Either way, Lyra wanted to leave.

She pushed herself against the crying wall, gasping at the cold against her raw skin. Every muscle, every fibre of her being ache with a throbbing pain. She stumbled as she got to her feet, supporting herself with the stone wall.

The Death Eaters has forgotten how to keep their prisoners inside. Nobody guarded her cell.

She gripped her wand, which they had forgotten to take from her, and waited for her bleary vision to clear. Lyra tripped over her boots and swayed with each tentative step. She cast a disillusionment charm with a whine of pain.

Her head throbbed, blood pulsed violently in her ears when she reached the iron door. She opened it with a nod of her head.She hated the fact she loved how the house smelt.

It wasn't death and torture. It was pure dark magic, that kind that made Lyra's skin prickle with soft static. It wasn't subtle, but it could never be over powering. Just musky dark magic, it smelt like mystery and jasmine.

"Lumos." She whispered, a faint white light rippled from the tip of her wand.

Her footfalls were light, but echoed through the catacomb of cells, all parallel and identical. All empty but two. Lyra steered clear of those two, they reeked of burnt wool — Avada Kedavra.

The wooden floorboards creaked menacingly under Lyra's black boots, it seemed every step she took was trying to alert the Death Eaters of her escape.

It was dark out; a grey clouded night. Lyra couldn't see the stars. She saw darkness. There wasn't a blue or purple hue bruised onto the sky. Not one star freckled its complexion.

Rosier was snoring heavily on the living room settee, it was moth bitten and bleeding foam from its disintegrating cushions. He groaned, rolling against the woven green fabric.

"Stupefy." Lyra muttered for good measure.

She watched the red beam shoot towards his chest, halting his snores instantly. Lyra glanced down at her fingers, a faint red light hovered beside her skin, humming and whispering.

Lyra could feel the wards wrapped around the decrepit house. They were weak, but she would only have a minute at most to run out of sight. She could see the barrier, a white tinted veil encased the house, pink water dripped down every inch.

She stifled a yelp when four people appeared across the barrier, materialising in a flurry of golden mist. Sirius appeared first, Tonks and Remus stepped out from the mist next, Alastor was last.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐒            a draco malfoy fanfiction [𝟐] [✓]Where stories live. Discover now