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( KROO - see - oh )

" to torture "


THE THREE DEATH Eaters left to summon their master. Lyra breathed heavily in the corner of the neglected dungeon, listening closely to the heavy thuds above her.

They were incompetent, low ranking. She held her wand tightly, channelling her magic into the hawthorn wood. "Expecto patronum." She whispered.

A silvery blue light streamed for the top of her wand, swirling in the biting air to take form. A Russian Blue Cat padded against the air, awaiting its message.

"I've been taken by Death Eaters, Riddle Manor, Little Hangleton. Unsure as to how many are here," She whispered, "Go to ever high ranking Order member."

She slumped against the damp wall, shivering lightly. Lyra repeatedly told herself to remain calm, she was already on his hit list and it wasn't wise to flaunt her magic to make her a more desirable target.

Tears collected in her eyes, glittering against the quiet blue hidden behind the misty haze. Her jaw trembled as a sob ripped through her body. Lyra sat and played the 'waiting game.' Logically, she could escape easily at a precise moment — she couldn't risk it.

Loud cracks vibrated against the walls when more Death Eaters apparated to the manor. Lyra stomach clenched and twisted in fear, a powerful wave a nausea crashed into her.

A pair of footsteps were growing closer to her small cell. The smell of Unforgivables was looming potently in the air. Her skin crawled, attempting to claw its way off her body and away from the smell.

"Who is it, Lucius?" An unfamiliar voice asked, "I've been gone so long. I need my fun."

"A mudblood girl," Lucius sneered, "A friend of Mr. Potter."

Lyra visibly trembled when the lock of her cell clanged. The door creaked terrifyingly, sending shivers through her spine. She scrambled as far back as possible, groaning when her head came into contact with the stone wall.

Lucius Malfoy looked no different to the other times Lyra had, had the displeasure of meeting him. He gripped his serpent head cane as he stepped tauntingly into her cell.

"We meet again, Miss Fairfax." He snarled.

She grinned, "Hello, wanker. Miss me that much?"

A deranged, yet beautiful, woman sauntered into the cell, her wands tip pressed against her temple. A crazy look washed over her beady eyes, which were trained solely on Lyra.

"Are you going to let a mudblood talk to you like that, Lucius?" She snapped in a shrill voice.

Lyra felt her throat close up, unable to suck in any painful gulps of air. Her face was unmistakeable, ever since she saw the tapestry at Twelve Grimmauld Place.

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