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( reh - VEL - ee - oh )

" to reveal "


THE ORDER NEVER replied to Lyra's patronus. Not one of them; nor did they answer when Harry floo called the headquarters. Lyra paced the length of Umbridge's study in pink, Hermione bounced her leg furiously.

Lyra twisted her ring hypnotically around her finger, straining her ears to hear if anybody was coming. She took her eyes off the door to check on Harry.

"Well, what do we have here?" A sickly sweet voice chirped.

Lyra breath caught in her throat, her body stiffed to resemble that of a wooden plank. Unbridge grabbed Harry by the scruff of his neck and slammed him into an unstable wooden chair.

Her Inquisitorial Squad leaked in with different D.A members encased within their grip. Hermione was assigned to Millicent's Bulstrode, who pushed her harshly into the stone wall. Crabbe and Goyle guarded Neville and Ginny. Pansy had Luna in an almost arm snapping hold. Tracy Davis was growling at Ron.

Draco was told to hold back Lyra; of course.

His grip wasn't bruising or suffocating. It was strong and confronting. When nobody was looking, his fingers ghosted her hipbone before returning to grasp her waist.

"You were trying to contact Dumbledore, weren't you?" She persisted.

"No we weren't!" Harry snapped.

Lyra bit back a shriek when Umbridge smacked Harry across the cheek, making his head turn to the side after the painful sound. "Liar!"

"He's not lying you pathetic, pink bitch!" Lyra snapped, wriggling against Draco's grip, which only tightened.

The stout woman stalked closer to Lyra, who scalded her features into a stoic expression. The tip of the Headmistress' wand jabbed into Lyra's pulse point behind her ear.

A stomach turning crack echoed in the room, pressure left the side of Lyra's face at the sound. Her eyes had been locked with Umbridge's beady ones.

Lyra had snapped Umbridge's wand. With the incline of her head, it had crumbled into pieces.

Umbridge began to sputter in Lyra's face but the door to Umbridge's outrageously pink study opened to reveal her Uncle, looking unbelievably displeased.

"You summoned me, Headmistress." Snaps drawled, spitting the final word as though it was a bad taste in his mouth.

Umbridge's eyes lit up, "Ah! Severus, the time has come for answers. Have you brought the Veritiserum?"

Snape caught Lyra's eye-line, the corners of his lips twitched momentarily before he turned back to Umbridge.

"Unless you wish to poison Potter — and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy with you if you did." Snape rolled his eyes, "I cannot help you."

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