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P A R T I C I P E S   V U L N E R I B U S

( par - TI - aye - pes    VUL - neri - bus )

" to share wounds "


THE SHELVES WERE filled with glowing orbs that seemed to hum and whisper as the small group entered the room. They were prophecies. Hundreds upon hundreds stacked precariously.

"I think row ninety-seven in just a bit further ahead." Hermione whispered, leading the way.

Lyra trailed at the back, row ninety-six called to her, the sound thrumming in her ears. She stood still at that specific row, the rest traipsed on.

Five rows from the bottom. Eighteen prophecies in. It smelt of lilies and comfort. The yellowing label caught her eye as she gripped the glowing orb in her fist,

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D
Lily Potter neé Evans
(?) Lyra Lily Gaunt (Fairfax)

Her breathing stuttered and her heart fluttered. With an inconspicuous glance, Lyra dropped the prophecy into her robe pocket, lacing in with a sticking charm for good measure.

Her school shoes thudded against the marble floor with each step she took, rounding closer to Harry and the group of D.A students. Everyone hovered around Harry, who held his own crystal white ball. The yellow label was scribed with two names. Harry and The Dark Lord.

"Very good, Potter. Now turn around, nice and slow, and give that to me." A low drawling voice said.

The hairs on the back of Lyra's neck stood on end. She held in a scoff — of course Death Eaters were here. And Lucius Malfoy was standing a hairsbreadth away from her.

"And you've brought along my favourite little mudblood." A new voice cackled with glee.

Lyra skin crawled at the sound, her eyes squeezed shut. A hand gripped her face, nails biting her cheeks. Every breath was becoming harder and harder to take in, the oxygen burned her lungs like cursed fire.

Lyra head was pounding, the pressure made her eyes ache. Seconds later, it was gone. The cackling was back, a choking humour bubbling in Bellatrix's throat.

The world soon melted away from Lyra, Harry's voice faded. Bellatrix was pulling her towards the large circle of Death Eaters, dragging Lyra by the grip on her chin.

"For piss sake, Lyra, you're a witch!" Ginny's distant voice called.

Lyra could barely think straight as tears plagued her eyes, her jaw felt soft and ready to snap under the pressure. Her skin sizzled as Bellatrix's hand moved from her aching jaw to clasp Lyra's throat.

Bellatrix smiled manically, tightening her grip when Lyra scratched at her arm. Her eyes burned with tears and she felt the pressure in her head increase. Any rational wizard would try to choke out a spell as a final attempt.

Lyra was smarter than that. Panic and adrenaline reacted to cause, accidental magic.

Bellatrix was flung from Lyra, crashing into a large stack of prophecies. The room rumbled under the sheer force of magic. Shelves began to rattle and crystal balls shattered.

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