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( reh - VEL - ee - oh )

" to reveal "


IT WAS AN odd little cottage. Tucked away between trees and forest. Almost every magical person knew the place to be Godric's Hollow, the old residence of Lily and James Potter.

It was still intact, not one piece of wood out of place. Snow fell around the cottage, blanketing the cobbles and sleeping atop the trees. Flowers still bloomed as though it was mid-Spring, preserved in time capsules of ice.

A Pickett sign was nailed into the earth, a layer of snow resting on top of the honey coloured wood.

The Potter's Cottage.
December 1979

The wooden door was opened jovially by a messy haired man, wrapped in a cable knit sweatshirt. Round framed glasses.

"Lily!" He called into the house, "Lily you need to see this!"

A exasperated huff could be heard in the home, along with the sound of stamping feet. "For fuck sake, James, what— oh, oh God."

Stood just across the pickett fence was somebody Lily didn't wish to meet so soon. Lily had always imagine that dying would be the most painful thing to experience. It was pipped at the post by watching her son grow up with her.

Seeing her Goddaughter on the other side was a pain like no other.

Lily stumbled over the blankets of snow, the grass crunched underfoot as she tore the gate open. No blood, nothing missing, just her Goddaughter.

Still clad in her Hufflepuff uniform, Lyra mustered the best smile possible whilst Lily remain silent. Lyra's skin was becoming waxy and gaunt, purple bags slowly hung in the sinking skin under her eyes.

Lily could count every freckle that littered Lyra's face. They were no longer covered with the healthy glow that breath in Lyra lungs once gave her. Lyra's cheekbone became more prominent as her skin caved beneath them.

Her eyes were still alive, rounded and wide with shock and wonder. Still subdued blue, but sometimes flickered as dark lightening struck the blue. Memories fresh in her eyes.

"Hello." Lyra whispered, "Hello, Uncle James, and—and, Aun-aunt Lily are you okay?"

James held Lily as she buckled under the weight of her sobs, "She's alright, dear. Just a bit of a shock."

Lyra glared at the floor, her gaze heated enough to melt the snow, "Of course."

A familiar blonde woman brought Lyra into the small kitchenette, tiled in cream and grey. Stocked with outdated equipment and cookery.

"I recognise you." Lyra muttered, shedding her robe, "I-I saw you in the mirror, you were with my dad."

She nodded brightly, "You must be Lyra," The blonde let out a gasp, "Oh, Merlin, this will crush James."

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