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( si - LEN - see - oh )

" to silence "


SIRIUS LINGERED ON his hugs to Lyra and Harry longer than anyone else, whispering to each of them to stay safe and alert through the school year.

Ron and Hermione disappeared without so much as a goodbye to Lyra, heading towards the Prefect carriage. In truth, Lyra didn't expect a farewell from Hermione, the two had butted heads over the course of the Summer.

Ginny took it upon herself to find a compartment for them to use, settling on a nearby one, occupied by Luna Lovegood, a fourth year Ravenclaw who sat reading The Quibbler upside down.

"Mind if you sit here, Luna?" Lyra asked sweetly, already pushing their trunks on the overhead shelves.

"Oh, hello, Lyra." Luna smiled from above her magazine, "Your eyes have got brighter over the summer."

Lyra reached up to brush her under eyes with the pad of her forefinger, hoping it would somehow dull her eyes. "Thank you, Luna, your earrings are lovely. Did you make them yourself?"

The blonde smiled brightly, her eyes perpetual and round, "I did, I can make you a pair if you'd like?" Her voice was airy and light.

"I'd love that!"

Harry, Neville and Ginny looked at Lyra in awe, the latter was already acquainted with Luna; she still found her quite odd, yet entertaining and lighthearted.

The first hour of the train ride was uneventful, Lyra lay curled in Harry's lap. Her hair was sprawled out behind her, shifting in tones of sweetened honey and liquid ginger. Lyra's, supposed, bright eyes were covered by her eyelashes, which tickled her rosy cheeks.

She woke with a violent jolt not long after Hermione and Ron returned. She had dreamt about Cedric; he told Lyra it was all her fault. A regular occurrence over the summer.

"Same one?" Harry asked quietly, waving off the stares of everyone but Luna.

Lyra nodded solemnly, accepting a patchwork handkerchief from Luna. Her cheeks stung from the burning tears that collected at her chin.

"Anything good in there?" Ron asked to easy the rising tension in the room.

"Of course not," Hermione scoffed, unimpressed, "The Quibbler's rubbish, you'd have to be dafter than a Blast Ended Skrewit to read that drivel."

Lyra straightened up abruptly, "Hermione, that's so rude!"

"Excuse me." Luna said, her voice had lost its dream-like quality, "My father's the editor."

Hermione flushed an embarrassed pink and stumbled over her words, trying to smooth over her blatant insult. Lyra had a disappointed look etched in her features. She gifted the magazine back to Luna, "I love it Luna, your father writes some really interesting sections."

Hermione scoffed incredulously, rolling her eyes.

"What is going on with you two?" Ron blurted, "You've been angry with each other all summer."

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