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( in - SEN - dee - oh )

" to conjure flames "


THE SORTING HAT branches out in its annual song, moving swiftly for the Founder's Tale to a warning of impending doom; that left students and Professors alike glancing at two prominent students, who were conveniently sat beside each other.

'For our hogwarts is in danger
from external deadly foes
we must unite inside her
or battle what he throws.'

The Great Hall had been captivated by the change in topic from the patchwork hat. Ron and Hermione has began blissfully unaware, too excited for their year as Prefects, although when the ballad took an alarming turn, their faces paled rapidly.

'One here has his powers,
and a lightening scar to prove it,
another among us harbours skills
far beyond comprehension,
with magic unmatched to any
the hufflepuff girl
with poor Lily's complexion,
they will unite to save the many.'

All eyes had turned to Harry and Lyra.

It wasn't hard for the students of Hogwarts to deduce who the Sorting Hat was referring to. The majority of the Slytherin house looked jealous and unimpressed, whispering with other students about the Hat's revelation.

"Bloody brilliant that is," Lyra groaned, "Cant believe you dealt with this every year, Harry. I'm ready to 'Avada' myself right about now."

"It really doesn't get any easier." Harry muttered back with a pained expression.

The two turned their attention back to the sorting ceremony. Lyra drummed her fingers against the oak table, her eyes flirted across the room in a blur of sapphire, glancing at students who gazed at her glass eyed.

The Hat's voice was fading in her ears, Lyra watched the night sky in the roof, it was bruised black and blue. Purple bled haphazardly underneath the constellations, Lyra wasn't there tonight.

Draco was. Shining tauntingly at her.

Lyra shook her head, and ruffled her hair in an attempt to shake away her negativities thoughts. The clattering of plates brought her tumbling to reality.

"I'll see you DADA, Harry," Lyra whispered, placing a swift kiss to his cheek, "Save me a place next to you."

Harry watched as she slipped towards Blaise, who was waiting for her with open arms. The Hufflepuff disappeared in a flurry of small students in green, her liquid amber hair sticking out like a rose among thorns.


Lyra slid into the seat beside Harry, who was clenching his fists under the table. She smiled and muttered a quiet 'hello', informing him how green his eyes looked.

A small, toad-like, woman stood in front of the blackboard, her large pink cardigan swallowed her frame. The matching fluffy hat made Lyra think of a toddler who had fallen into their mother's wardrobe.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐒            a draco malfoy fanfiction [𝟐] [✓]Where stories live. Discover now