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( pe - TRI - fi - cus to - TAH - lus )

" to temporarily paralyse "


LYRA WALKED ARM in arm with Hermione, who had become significantly nicer over the past few weeks, down an almost deserted corridor. The two were too immersed in discussing their favourite muggle singers to notice to new faces in front of them.

"The stupid, puffed-up, power crazy—,"

"Now, do you really want to finish that sentence, Granger?" A voice drawled.

Lyra became ridged at Hermione's side, which didn't go unnoticed by the Gryffindor. Lyra bore holes into the ground, studying scuff marks as though they were the most interesting thing on Earth.

"Afraid I'm going to have to dock a few points from Gryffindor." He clicked his tongue condescendingly.

Hermione groaned under her breath, "You can't take points from a prefect, Malfoy."

Lyra let a sly smile grace her lips. Despite everything, it felt good to hear her friends stuck up for themselves. Ron squeezed her hand discreetly, she didn't know why he did; but she squeezed back.

"I know prefects can't," he sneered, "but members of the Inquisitorial Squad—,"

"The what?" Hermione snapped in an agitated tone, her hair falling from her loose bun in haphazard strands.

"Inquisitorial Squad, Granger," Malfoy tapped the silver badge displaying an 'I', pinned just beneath his prefect badge.

Lyra couldn't tell whether it was a good or bad thing that she was proud of him.

"We're a select group of students, hand picked by Professor Umbridge—," He beamed with a smirk.

"Oh, so your her bitches?" Lyra finally voiced.

She took slow, taunting steps towards Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. "And these two are your little playthings, the entertainment when you're bored."

Lyra pushed herself against his side, raising into her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. "I thought it was my job to entertain you." Her breath fanned across his neck, causing a shiver to thunder down his spine, "I do it, oh, so well."

Lyra trailed her index finger down the length of his arm as she spoke, her stomach clenched tightly as she fought back her fear. Embracing her Slytherin.

Neither Ron, Harry or Hermione had ever seen Draco looked as flustered. His face was flushed a discreet pink, brightening his pale complexion. Malfoy cleared his throat as Lyra returned to Harry's side. She closer Harry jaw jokingly as Malfoy began to speak again.

"So, erm, Granger, I'll have f-five for insulting the headmistress." Malfoy stumbled slightly, "Five because I don't like you, Potter."

"Shocker." Harry mumbled to Lyra, who bit back a laugh.

Draco's eyes skimmed over her quickly, "Weasley, your shirt's untucked so I'll have another five for that. Oh, yeah, I forgot you're a mudblood, Granger, so ten for that."

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