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LYRA RADIATED JOY when she skipped into breakfast Saturday morning, she slid into her usual spot beside Harry and poured herself a large goblet of tea whilst people stared in awe and confusion.

Lyra's owl, Athena, swooped towards her with a deafening screech. A small, folded piece of parchment was clutched above the Daily Prophet in her claw. Lyra stroked her and let Athena nip her finger affectionately before she fluttered away.

"I don't think you should read that, Lyra." Fred muttered from beside her, a few toast crumbs sprayed from his mouth.

She waved him off with a smile and glanced at the cover of the Daily Prophet. Fred and George attempted to pry the newspaper for her pale hands, but the had no luck.


According to our sources, ex-girlfriend of Harry 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' Potter and the late Cedric Diggory, Lyra Fairfax was spotted in the ward for mentally ill and unrepairable. She was seen with ex Azkaban prisoner, Sirius Black and former Hogwarts professor, Remus Lupin.

Eye witnesses say she look 'physical ill and paper thin, lots of people know her [Lyra] for being radiant, she was positively ghastly in her sickbed.' A fellow student of Hogwarts, Pansy Parkinson, Slytherin, was available for a comment, she told our correspondent;

'That Fairfax girl always looks ugly, I took one look at her and threw up my dinner. All she wants is attention, maybe it's a good thing she's finally getting her big head looked at.'

Miss Fairfax reportedly suffered from overexertion, an uncommon accident at St. Mungo's. Harry Potter, her ex-boyfriend, and Miss Fairfax were unavailable for a comment.

Is Miss Fairfax in danger? Or is she vying for sympathy and attention. She is more widely known for her claims to have met He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named with Harry Potter. Attention seeking girls like Miss Lyra Fairfax are people to watch out for!

An article by Rita Skeeter.

A few of her fellow students had also received the Daily Prophet that morning, Harry was gripping the table tightly and the twins had finally pried the paper from her clutches.

Lyra stood up and snatched Ron's copy, rolling it tightly, despite his cries of protest. "What are you doing?" He cried.

"Knocking some sense into Pug-face." Lyra replies calmly, the twins smirked to one another as Lyra sauntered over to the far end of the hall.

"Sunshine!" Blaise shouted, "How-how are you today?" He asked, hiding his own copy of the Prophet.

Lyra smiled brightly, her lips weren't splotched blue with chapped patches like the past weeks. They had regained their usual rosy colour and and puffed out when she smiled, her cherry gloss shimmering in the cool light.

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