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F  I  N  I  T  E

( fi - NEE - tay )

" to counter spells "


FRUSTRATION AND ANGER radiated from Lyra, who was sat beside Harry at a table of Order Members (along with Hermione, Ron and the twins).

"He's not a child!" Sirius said impatiently, tapping his finger on the rotting table.

Mrs Weasley let out an exasperated sigh, "He not James, Sirius."

Lyra watched the majority of the Order members straighten up at the mention of the late James Potter.

"Perfectly clear on who he is, thanks, Molly." Sirius scowled at the older woman and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm not sure you are," Mrs Weasley reprimanded, "He might look like him, but you haven't got James back, Sirius!"

Remus placed his hand over Lyra's, wincing at the feeling of his palm burning. She felt a wave of calm wash over her, cooling down her sizzling magic. "Calm down, it's okay." Remus whispered.

"No, it not," She sighed, abruptly standing up from her chair.

Mad-Eye, along with a few others, rolled his eyes when Lyra stood up. Tonks smirked brightly, rubbing her hands together.

"James and Lily are dead," Lyra said calmly, watching the room recoil or jump at her blatantness, "But if every time Sirius looks at Harry he sees James, just let it be."

"But he's not James!" Mrs Weasley shrieked, "He's Harry, and he's not an adult."

Lyra held her stoic expression, the look of calm and composure in her eyes was becoming increasingly frightening. "I'm not an adult, and you all treat me like Lily. You look at me and Harry and see them, so let them live through us."

Mrs Weasley threw the kitchen towel onto the table a stern look, Lyra had only seen when she would admonish her children, graced her face. "You aren't James and Lily!"

"I know, I know that," Lyra sighed, pulling Harry to stand next to her, "But just look at us right now, and tell me you don't see people who look and act like James and Lily."

The room all turned to study Lyra and Harry. Sirius clenched his jaw to stop it trembling. Harry stood with James' unkempt raven hair and dimpled cheek; he even held himself the way just used to. But he had his mother's eyes, green and welcoming.

Remus moves his eyes over to Lyra, with her eyes closed he could only see a young Lily Potter. Her hair fell down her back in a sea of ginger, some strands shone like illuminated autumn leaves from the cascading sun. Each freckle and dimple looked just like Lily. But to Remus and Sirius, she had her father's eyes, muted blue and comforting.

"I'll take everyone's silence and acceptance," Lyra mumbled quietly, "So just tell him, It's for the best."

Remus swiped his finger over a tear hastily and sniffled, "I think you two had best sit down whilst we tell him."

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