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A  C  C  I  O

( AH - kee - oh )

" to summon an object "


THE RESIDENTS OF Hawkshead, Cumbria had long since seen one of their youngest members of the small village. It had been fifteen years since James Fairfax brought home his beautiful baby girl, smiling ear-to-ear each time she gurgled or made the slightest movement.

When that once young baby walked into the Queen's Head Inn, those in the local community gasped with glee and utter shock. However, what caught people off guard the most, was that of Sirius Black stood beside her.

It was odd, to say the least, for those who only knew her as a baby to see Lyra Fairfax in a black pleated skirt, tights clinging to her. Mary, her old baby-sitter, look at the unfamiliar name printed across the green jumper Lyra wore about her skirt, the collar of a white shirt peaking from the top.

The young girl had become a stranger to the village once she left for boarding school in Scotland. Her impending return had since left everyone's minds only two years into her residence in Scotland.

"Lyra, we mustn't stay any long." Sirius whispered to her, solemnly.

Lyra cleared her throat, which had grown tight at the sight of her old home. She had longed to be walking the cobbled streets of her village for weeks. Now she had to leave — it could be years before she saw the roses that lined her houses front yard.

She gazed around the pub once more, taking in the aged Elizabethan pub. Two men were huddled conspicuously in a corner, hoods up. One of the men had red glowing skin, the other; green.

"Sirius we must leave now." Lyra hissed under her breath, "When we get into the alley, disapperate straight away. No questions, Pads."

With her charmed briefcase, filled with old clothes and objects from her home; they left.

No looking back, never once. Lyra couldn't will herself to say goodbye, because she prayed it wasn't. Not Hawkshead, not her home which had always been a safe haven. She wouldn't let Voldemort ruin the memories of her childhood home.


With a piece of toast firm between her teeth, Lyra picked up the Daily Prophet lying at Theo's side. "Lyra, don't look, Ly—,"

Her breathing faltered, stopped. Her fingers scrunched the paper tightly, leaving creases in their wake. The moving picture sneered at her with a sick grin hidden in the grain. It wasn't his face that frightened her the most. It was the words underneath.

Antonio Dolohov (above) sentenced to life imprisonments for the attempted murder of Muggles James Fairfax and Elizabeth Snow and their magical daughter Lyra Fairfax.
Status - Escaped.

Blaise prised the paper from Lyra's shivering hands, folding it closed beside him. She was unmoving, unwavering. Blaise and Theo tried to coax her from the stupor, but instead, like the shell of a person she rose from her seat and floated out the great hall like one of the ghosts that haunted the halls of Hogwarts.

When Luna and Ginny find her at the edge of the Forbidden forest, curled in on herself in pity and defeat, they just sat beside her.

"The pain doesn't go away." Lyra mumbled, resting her head on Ginny's shoulder, "It follows me like a shadow."

"It won't, Lyra." Luna sighed dreamily, "But that's the best part, the reminder of who they were, and it hurts so much because you loved them so."

Lyra nodded with tears in her eyes, romanticising things could only make them better in her eyes. Her problems just fly away slowly, burning like stars.

"How's Draco?" Luna asked sweetly, taking both Lyra and Ginny by surprise, "Oh, I saw you two in the corridor the first day back. No need to hide from us."

Lyra's cheeks bloomed a vibrant red, stretching to the tips of her ears. She looked to the stars for some sort of deliverance, instead she was met with the ecstatic face of Ginny Weasley who could barely contain any emotion.

"You're joking!" Ginny squealed, shaking Lyra rather violently by her shoulders, "You bitch, how could you keep this from me, us even?"

"It's Malfoy," She muttered, "how could I be sure you'd understand?"

Ginny hummed, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. "Right," She drawled, "tell us everything!"

Lyra rolled her eyes playfully, glancing up at his constellation before launching into everything that had happened between them. It was a weight off her shoulders. Each word made her soul lighter.

Ginny had one question rattling in her brain painful, she couldn't keep it in any longer. "Why him?" she blurted, "out of everyone, why Ferret Face?"

Lyra relaxed into the soft grass beneath her, the smell of dew drops enveloped her. It was cathartic. All of it was oddly freeing.

"He's like a piece of frosted glass. Cold, sharp, confusing, fragile in some ways." She laughed at herself quietly, "He could slice my fingertips but when I look through that glass, I - well - I want to see the world like that everyday."

Luna let out a contented hum. Ginny snorted, "Wow, Lyra, ever the poet aren't you? Come on, I'm starved."

The race back to Hogwarts was swirled with childish laughter and cheating, mostly on Ginny's half. Luna skipped in a care free daze, twirling on air in a surprisingly graceful manner.

"There's a meeting tonight, isn't there?" Ginny intoned as they walked towards the Gryffindor table.

"Eight on the dot." Lyra smiled, waving as she made her way over to the Slytherins.

Theo and Daphne were attached to each other by their mouths, chuckles seeped through the kiss — reminding Lyra of a certain Slytherin.

"Daphne." She sang, "You've got a bit of boy stuck to your face."

Blaise tackled Lyra into a bear hug, squeezing her until she felt like a pile of liquified bones. One of her favourite feelings. "We're here if you need us." He muttered into her ear.

"Can I sleep in the Slytherin common room again?" Lyra asked tentatively.

She was greeted with large ear splitting grins from Daphne, Blaise and Theo. Malfoy send her a fleeting smirk when his friends couldn't see.

He relished in the way a certain look could make her cheeks turn pink and her eyes glitter with adoration. A feeling that had once tasted bitter on Draco's tongue. She made it taste like honey and bitter tea.

"And for Merlin's sake, you two," Lyra pointed towards Theo and Daphne, "use a bloody silencing charm, I don't need my innocent ears hearing you."

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