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R  E  D  U  C  T  O

( re - DUCK - toh )

" to destroy objects "


WITH DECEMBER ROLLING closer with each passing day, students third year and above once again visited Hogsmeade. Most of Lyra's friends had made pitiful attempts — in her eyes — at convincing her to remain in the castle.

"Lyra you were kidnapped!" Draco shouted, "Are you fucking stupid, Fairfax?"

She kissed him swiftly, just for a few brief seconds. His body relaxed against hers, using the balcony railing to support them.

"Shut up." She whispered into the kiss, "I'm going."

"You're thick. Utterly stupid." He said coldly, his lips hovering inches above. "I can't believe you'd do this, Fairfax."

She groaned, hissing very Slytherin profanities under her breath. "I'll be with Sirius, Remus and Tonks, for Merlin's sake, Draco! I'll be protected."

Draco scoffed and straightened up, standing like a taut bowstring. "See you later, Fairfax."

"You really want those words to be the last you ever say to me if I am kidnapped?"

Her cry caught his attention, he planted himself to the ground. Draco gripped the banister of the stairs with a deathly tight hold, his knuckles burning a hot white.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief, walking back towards her, "How dare you say that, Lyra!"

Lyra sniffled, swallowing thickly when a guilt smeared hand pierced its blackening nails through her heart. It hurt to look at his eyes. Her eyes glittered with tears that seemed to dwell there regularly.

"Draco, someday I'll be taken again." She whispered calmly, "Maybe today maybe in four years, I will be taken and tortured again."

"Fairfax." He hissed.

She shook her head and brought a hand to cup his cheek, running her thumb across his under eye gently. He leant into the warmth of her kind gesture, resting his head solely in her palm. Draco hated being vulnerable, but being with Lyra made it like second nature.

Something about her made him feel comfortable.

"I won't let them destroy my life, Draco." She muttered, "You know, carpe diem and all that."

Draco laughed. It wasn't riotous or stomach twirling. Just a short, disbelieving exhale through his nose. It still made Lyra heart warm.

"You've got a way with words, Fairfax." He mused with hilarity.

Lyra giggled. It wasn't boisterous or jaw aching. Just a light, affectionate giggle that became silent soon after. It still made Draco's chest burn oddly.

"Well you've got a way with that mouth of yours." Lyra quipped.

"You're spending too much time with my friends." He chided, kissing her soundly afterwards.

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