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-Izukus' POV-
Being dragged out of the door I can hear Kachan growl I start to growl too but my dad won't let me go. When we get home he throws me on the ground in front of him and slammed the door. "So not only did you cause your mother's death your a weak omega without a quirk who likes other men you are a disgrace." (A/N I would like to say I am very supportive and if you are gay that's nothing to feel bad about love is love and all love is perfect.) He kicks me in the stomach and I hit the wall. It hurts. "Go to your room and pack your stuff we're leaving." Leaving. What. What about Kachan! I can't just leave him. I decide to write Kachan a note.

Dear Kachan,
Dad says we have to move. I'm sorry I don't want to. I miss you. I miss you a lot and I saw you 10 minutes ago. I hope I will get to see you again. Maybe if we both get into UA. I love you. I hope you still love me even though I'm going. I left you my blanket. I made sure it smells like me too :)
I love you so much.
Love Deku

I jump out my window, which really hurts from earlier, and put the letter and blanket on his front door. When I get home I see my dad hang up the phone.

-On the other line-
-Katsukis' POV-
"Mum what did Dekus' dad say?"
She looks at me she looks so sad and I start getting scared. "Deku's moving away." Three words. Three words is all it takes for my whole world to crumble. I start to cry. My mum looks shocked I don't normal cry and of I do is only infront of Deku. But Deku's gone. I feel my mum pull me into a hug but I don't want it. It isn't fair. He shouldn't have to go. I claimed him. He's supposed to stay with me.

I push my mum away and run up to my room. I destroy it everything is now shattered and on the ground broken or burnt from my explosions but honestly I don't feel any better. I hear my mum knock on my door, which is barely on its hinges at this point.

She comes in and in her hands I can see a blanket and a piece of paper. "It's from Deku." That's all I need to hear. I snatch it from her hands and slam the door. I read the note and I start to cry. I hug the blanket and he's right it does smell like him. I slowly fall asleep dreaming of my green haired omega.

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