Kachans pissed

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Hi just a heads up the title should be enough to tell you why but there will be some slight swearing. I'll try to keep it to a minimum but we'll it's an angry Kachan.

I put my head back down so Kachan can't tell I've been crying. He doesn't seem to like that though. "What the actual hell Deku! You can't just storm out of class. If you ever want to be a hero you actually have to do shit once in a while. Otherwise what in hell is the point of being in the hero course if you not going to do the bloody hero training!" I start to cry more and I can see him stomp over to me. On instinct I jump back and put my hands up protectively. He seems to so moving. I look up at him and instantly regret it. He can tell I've been crying and his eyes widen in shock.

-Kachans' POV-
Shit. I made him cry. He was scared of me. He thought I was going to hurt him. What have I done. "I-i'm sorry Deku." I lean down to hug him and try to comfort him. He lets me but I can see him flinch when I touch him. I rub his back and let out calming pheromones "shh shh shh. It's ok." When he calms down enough to somewhat talk again he starts to speak. "I-I'm sorry. I-i d-didn't me-mean to-to lea-leave you. I-i d-didn't have a-a ch-choice." He sound terrified. I'm an idiot. Why did I yell at him. Hang on what did he mean he didn't have a choice?

"Hey, hey it's ok calm down I'm not mad your safe it's ok." After a second he's calmed down more and I try to ask him about what caught my mind earlier. "Hey Deku what did you mean you didn't have a choice?" I say it as calm as possible but the question seems to make him more upset. He starts crying again but he's talking to. It's really interesting because he's crying he lost his stutter. (Yep totally not because the author is super lazy) "I don't know what I did wrong. I tried my best I really did. I'm sorry I'm not strong enough. I promise I'll do better. I'm sorry." Ok why the hell does he keep apologising. Why is he saying he isn't strong enough. That's insane. I swear when I find out who told him that he was anything other than perfect in going to kill them.

"It's ok you did nothing wrong. You have nothing to apologise for. And you are plenty strong. Can you tell me who told you you weren't strong enough." I can tell this is hard for him. He is crying even more now. He is so innocent he never thinks that other people can do something wrong. He's always apologising for other people's fuck ups! "All might. He said that I wasn't Strong enough and that because I was an omega I wouldn't be able to beat you and I would get hurt. Then he said I should come here to study so I'll be smarter when I have kids."

What the actual fuck all might. He is absolutely going to die. I don't give a shit of he's the number 1 hero. He can rot in hell. Deku is perfect just the way he is. He's strong. He's smart. I want him to have my pups. He already handed all mights as to him. Hold on back up. What the fuck was that. Why the fuck am I even thinking about pups. What is wrong with me. Stop. Your focusing on the wrong thing. What you should be focusing on right now is makeing all might pay.

I stand up grab Deku's hand and storm back to ground gamma. When we get there I let go of Dekus hand, march up to All Might and punch him in the face. Everyone is looking at me like I was insane. Shitty hair comes and tries to hold me back along with like half the class but I am not having this shit right now I start releasing angry pheromones. Really strong ones at that. All the extras start to back up and I start glaring/smirking at all might. No-one is going to stop me now.

"What is wrong with you!" I shout and try to punch him but he dodges. "What the hell gives you the right to decide if someone else can be a hero!" He dodges again and tries to stop me but he fails. "What gives you the right to tell someone they aren't strong enough!" This time I make contact. "Your the number one hero. That's utter bull shit. Your a pathetic excuse for a hero. No your a pathetic excuse for a human!" I'm about to punch him again but someone grabs my arm. I'm about to explode their face of but then I smell it. Hot chocolate and a warm fire. It's calming and safe. Before I know it my fists are lowered and I'm standing there with my guard completely down. Then I feel someone hugging me from behind. I turn around and I see Deku there with his smile that can warm even the coldest of hearts. "It's ok. Thankyou Kachan. It's ok. Everything's ok now." I smile and hug him back.

-Everyone else in 1A-
What the hell just happened?!!!

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