questions - take 2

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-kachans' POV-
I seriously don't understand why he's coming to school today. I get todoroki was expelled and like sent to jail and everything but he didn't sleep at all last night. He kept having nightmares. "Come on Kachan we already missed school yesterday the others are going to ask so many questions." He stops himself and starts having a panic attack. Shit.

We're going to be late at this rate. If we walk in late he's going to panic so much more. I do the only thing I can think of. I pick him up and keep walking to class while calming him down. By the time we get to the classroom he's calmed down to the point where he's stopped crying and he's breathing normally.

I think I deserve an award for that amazing multitasking.

We walk into class and everyone's already there. Everyone starts to surround us and ask questions. "Everyone chill out!" It's shitty hair. Of course. Him Pikachu, Earphones and Ponytail all know what happened. Fuck.

Deku seems thankful for shitty hairs interruption until he realises they know what happened. Then he starts panicking. "You four outside now" I say as I grab Deku's hand and lead him outside. I figured they would know if I was taking to them. I get Deku calm and the other four walk outside. Earphones and dunce face go to deku while I go up to talk to the other two.

"Hey bro is he ok" I sigh. "Yeah he just had a panic attack." "Oh ok. Wait It want because I yelled was it." Ugh shitty hair is seriously annoying me. "No shitty hair he just doesn't want anyone to know and well he panicked thinking you might have told someone." Ponytail speaks up "we won't tell anyone if you don't want us to. Did todoroki get expelled?" I look at her confused. "Yeah and sent to jail. Didn't the teacher tell the class." "No."

"Ugh good damn it." "What's up bro" "if they haven't told the class yet they will soon and that is going to be so much worse for Deku. He gets a panic attack just hearing 'his' name." I guess Deku could yell I was angry cause he got to from his spot on the floor and came over to me. He was releasing calming pheromones and the scent made me smile. Of course ponytail had to speak up. "How did you do that Midorya."

"He's always been able to calm Bakubro down." Shitty hair to the rescue.

-Izukus' POV-
Oh no. No no no no no. She figured it out. I should have been more careful. "Oh my god I can't believe I missed this earlier." What do I do. what can I do. "What the hell are you taking about Ponytail." "Deku he just made his scent stronger." "Babe your confusing me." At least no-one else had figured it out. "The only people who are supposed to have any control over their scents are class C-" here it comes "-alphas" what. I'm not an alpha. Kaminari gasps. "Not cool bro. Lying about your secondary gender like that is so unmanly." Kaminari nods his head in approval of what his boyfriends saying.

Wow. I have seriously underestimated their obliviousness. I guess that's a good thing though. But I don't want them think I'm an alpha. "Hey guys I think you're all missing something here." Everyone looks at Jiro. "Guys are you seriously forgetting he went into heat! He has to be an omega!" Damn it. "Huh that's not possible?" And the award for most incorrect statement go's to Kirishima. Kachan looks down at me.

"Do you want to tell them?" Honestly I wouldn't mind them knowing I trust them. I nod my head. "Not a word of this to anyone got it." They all nod and look at me and Kachan gives my hand a gentle reassuring squeeze. "I am an omega." They all look confused. "A class C omega."

Hahahahaha suffer. That's all for now sorry for leaving it like that. Just wanted to let you know that I will probably be updating a little less frequently. I'm out of quarantine! But it won't be for to long because there is only a week of school left anyway. I'll try to update at least once every two days. I will try to update more but I have a bunch of assessments now that schools back.

I also wanted to say thankyou to EllaAnneHewson for all you support. Bye guys love you 😊😊😊

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