Dekus' dad

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-in Nezus' office-
-All Mights' POV-
After the lesson me, Eraserhead, young Bakugo and the omega boy were called into Nezus' office. I wonder what he wants to discuss. We are all here. Bakugo and the other boy are on the couch, however the young boy is not sitting up like Bakugo, he is laying down with his head in young Bakugos' lap. Young Bakugo is playing with his hair while me and Eraserhead are standing by the door waiting for Nezus' to say something.

"I have been observing the two of you for a short while now" he says gesturing to the two students. Here we go. "Now correct me if I'm wrong but you two are mates aren't you." What young Bakugo and this omega are mates. I never thought that he would let himself be held back by a weak omega like this one. (Really all might you can still say that after he whooped your ass.) " Hm, I suppose I was right then. I am however curious about your class Midorya" Midorya that must be the boys name. I look over and I can see him stiffen. Pathetic he actually let's these words get to him. "I would like to say I am quite intrigued be your display of power earlier. I would like to offer you a spot in class 1-A with your 'friend' Bakugo here."

I can see Aizawa almost spit out his coffee. Has Nezu gone insane. " Nezu you can't be series no omega is actually capable of becoming a hero. They aren't strong enough and there heats will mean they miss large amounts of school work." I hope Nezu will listen to reason. "He was strong enough to pin you down and your supposedly the number one hero. Plus his heat will effect him as much as ruts effect or alpha students. And I am sure he is more than capable of catching up on any work that he might miss." That's it Nezu actually has gone insane.

-Broccoli boys POV-
A-all might. He doesn't want me here. He thinks I'm weak just like everyone else.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. it opens. It's midnight. "Sir Mr Midorya is here." My breath hitches. My dad. "Excellent bring him in I would like to catch him up on the offer I just have izuku here." It's ok breathe. I sat up when dad came in. I kind of space out and grip on to Kachans shirt as I try to even my breathing.

"Well Mr Midorya what do you think?" No. Dad would never let me come here. I hear him sigh. "Fine but he is still living at home I don't trust him here considering he is the only omega." No he just wants me to stay with him so he has a punching bag. Should I say something. No they'll just think I'm even more weak than they already do.

"Well then everything is settled. Mr Midorya I hope you have a good day and izuku I look forward to seeing you at school tomorrow your uniform will be sent to your house this afternoon so you can wear it tomorrow, however that does mean wee will need your address." "Of course (insert address of the house where they used to live.)" Wait that's the house next to Kachans. Eraserhead speaks next "I thought you moved?" we did. "Ahh yes but I think we will be moving back so that izuku here is closer to the school." What is dad thinking. "Come izuku we have things to do." I know exactly what he means and I don't want to go. But what choice do I have. I give Kachan one more hug, much to my father's dismay, and follow him out.

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