behind the scenes

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-Aizawas' POV-
Now I know I said I would pair them up but I have no idea who to put who with. I know I can't put Bakugo with Izuku because that wouldn't be fair. Other than that though I have no idea.  I'll just call out random names and hope I don't miss anyone.

-authors' POV-
Because the gods wanted drama they decided to answer the prayers being sent their way. And so for no reason other than drama izuku was paired with todoroki. "Fuck no! Half n half can stay the fuck away from Izu" No one was really surprised by the outburst as they had all been in class with the blonde for almost a month now.

Kaminari and Kirishima both exchanged worried glances because they knew that todoroki was up to something.

Just to make things even more interesting uraraka was paired with Bakugo. Uraraka was silently cursing todoroki for taking the green haired boy but knew that she couldn't say anything.

Kirishima is paired with Kaminari and the rest of the class doesn't matter. (Totally not because I'm lazy and don't know their actual names only the names Bakugo have them.)

Everyone was told that they had to work on it at home and that was it. Classes went on as normal till the end of the day.

-Kirishimas' POV-
"Hey kami!" I call out to my adorable boyfriend. We aren't mates yet we decided to wait until we were older. "Yes Kiri." As he talks he tilts his head to the side. How could anyone not love him. The thought makes me angry for a bit remembering the conversation I had with my parents. They want me to find myself an omega. I don't get it though Kami's perfect I don't care if he's a beta.

"Kiri are you ok." He snaps me out of my thoughts and I look at him. I decide to forget it and ask about what I came over here to talk about. "Yeah just thinking. Hey have you noticed todoroki acting a bit weird." He perks up. "Yes I was going to ask you about it later he was starting at Midorya." I honestly didn't expect him to notice I don't think anyone else did. "Do you think he's up to something" kami looks at me with a mischievous smile.

"Only one way to find out!"

And here we are outside todoroki's dorm door. Midorya moved in about a week ago so if he wasn't here we would check there next. Luckily it doesn't come to that and he answers the door letting the two of us in. He sits on his bed while both of us just stand there. "Was there something I can help you with?" I think about it we're both alphas so maybe he would respect me enough and tell me out right. But he also knows I'm 'friends' with Bakugo although he'd never admit it, so he might not tell me. I give up. "What's the deal with you and Midorya" Kami! Actually thats probably exactly how I would have worded it.

Todoroki didn't say anything he just smirks which puts me off a bit. "What do you mean there is nothing going on between us. He already has a mate and even you should know you can't change that unless the omega's in heat." That is true. I wonder when midobros heat is as long as it's not this week he should be fine! I guess we can ask him later. "Ok cool bro that was all really. let's go kami."

Once we get outside and the door's closed I start to talk to kami. "So we have to ask Midorya when his heat is." "No kami he isn't even 15 yet we just need to ask when his birthday is." "True" we get to Midoryas' dorm and knock on the door. He opens it smiling widely. "Hey Kiri Hey Kami what's up." I don't think we should worry him if there is nothing to worry about so I need to think of a good lie. "We're trying to figure out who's the oldest in the class and just wanted to know when your birthday was. " How the hell did Kami come up with a lie that quick. And it's so believable. "Oh my birthday's in a couple months but Kachans older than me anyway. He turned 15 around a week ago." "Thanks midobro he probably would have killed me if I asked him." I say it like I'm joking but I'm really not. I don't know if it's my imagination but I swear I could hear a faint 'damn right I would.' I ignore it and tell Midorya goodbye. Now we know his heat won't be anytime soon we don't have to worry about todoroki.

I know this chapter probably wasn't as interesting but it will become important in the future.

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