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The next morning
-Mitsukis' POV-
Me and my husband just got back from a month long work trip. I'm honestly suprised to see the house hadn't gotten blown up in our absence. I unlock the front door and walk in Maruso, my omega walks in right behind me. The place feels of it has a lot of different scents. Katsuki must of had some friends over. I look at the clock it's 6am. I decide to wake Katsuki up and tell him we're home but when I open the door I'm meet with my son cuddling with another boy who appears to be wearing my sons top. Finally. My boy is all grown up.

I call Maruso and we take a couple photos until he says something that makes me stop for a second.
"It's that Izuku?" Of course. Izuku oh I missed him. They used to be best friends before the incident. I wonder what izuku is doing here. I wake Katsuki up as quietly as possible and I have to say his reaction is hilarious.

-Bakugos' POV-
I swear to god I'm going to kill my mum. I'm about to start yelling up a storm when I notice that she didn't wake Izu up. That old hag she checkmated me. I can't yell without waking up Izu. "What do you want old hag." I say it quietly and calmly which I can tell throws her off. It makes me smirk. She notices and smirks back. What is she planning. "I was just wondering what izuku is doing here." Why is she speaking so loudly. I feel someone shuffling beside me and sitting up. Did that old hag seriously wake izuku up.

"What's going on Kachan" he mumbled still half asleep. He is so adorable. "My parents just got back from their trip that's all." Mum seems to want to ask questions but she knows right know she can't make us answer. We could just leave.
"That's right why don't you boys come join us for breakfast." Before I tell her to F off I think of Izuku. I know it sounds cruel but if my mum wants to do this to checkmate me, I can do this to checkmate Izu. If my mum and dad are there he'll have to eat. "Whatever fine old hag." "Kachan that's not nice" god what in the world did I do to deserve him.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Mum could you and dad please leave so me and Deku can get changed we will meet you downstairs to eat." They both look suprised at my language but hey what choice do I have Izu's here. If there is one thing I know if he tells you to watch your language you watch your language. Lucky they both leave anyway.

I hug Izu from behind and he starts to giggle. "Come on we have to get dressed so we can go downstairs and eat." I think he just realised I checkmated him. He starts to complain. "It's ok I'm not hungry." "Izu you haven't eaten anything in weeks just a little bit for me please" he nods and we both separate to get dressed. I try not to look at him because I know from last night I might have some 'problems' if I do. He changed into some short shorts and one of my jumpers. It reaches past the shorts and is almost as bad as the shirt. I can't be bothered to change so I just throw on a black tank top.

Me and deku make our way downstairs. I didn't realise how long we had taken until I saw my parents sitting at the table wanting for us with four plates of bacon and eggs. We both sit down but I can feel my mum's questioning gaze on me. I look over to deku though and I see he's eating. I don't care how difficult my mum makes this if Deku's actually eating something it is all worth it.

"So, did you boys have fun last night."
What the fuck!

Oh my god you guys are amazing I can't believe this book had 1000 reads you guys are awesome I hope you enjoyed the chapters so far. Good bye my amazing readers update again soon!

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