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Hey guys a little sad I only got two votes for the last chapter but I decided to go half way between them so I can update again.

-izukus' POV-
The first day was literally torture. My father tried to take my quirk but when he couldn't he locked me in a room that would stop me from using it anyway.

I was chained to a bed and even with all my strength I couldn't break free. Dabi, Shigaraki and Toga all visited me to 'make sure I want lonely'.

Toga came in first she wasn't that bad all she did was give me a few cuts and take some blood. After that she just left smiling, giggling and taking about how 'beautiful' my blood was.

Shigaraki came third he tried questioning me about all might and his weaknesses. You know what I fucking hate all might I really do but right now if they go after all might they could hurt Kachan. I'm a hero and even if all might is a jerk a hero would never allow someone to get hurt.

Dabi was by far the worst. It still gives me nightmares.

I'm lying on the bed slightly bloody and really tired when I hear a loud bang on the door. I look towards the sound and see Dabi. I brace for an attack but it never comes.

"Calm down omega I'm not going to hit you I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine although I'm pretty your already acquainted." I look towards the door and I see someone who I never thought I would see again.

"Todoroki" I say it with so much venom I can see him flinch. That makes me smirk in success.

"So you do know my brother." Brother what.
"Oh that's right you don't know. Well Midorya my name real name is Toya. Toya Todoroki." I start to shake.
"Well then I'll leave you two to get re-acquainted." He leaves and locks the door. Shit. No. I can tell my heart rate is picking up and I start to pull on the chains but it's no use. Todoroki gets on top of me and-
-flashback ends-

I force myself to stop thinking about it. In case you were wondering Todoroki did it again. And one again I couldn't stop him.

It's been a month now and things have changed. It's not just todoroki anymore Dabi does it too. Toga does more than take blood she's started injecting me with these weird liquids. Shigaraki uses his quirk on me when I don't answer his questions.

It may have gotten worse but I think I have gotten stronger. And I realised something. All for One still can't take my quirk. That means my quirk still works! I just need to time this right or I could get seriously hurt. But I think- no I know I can beat them.

I wait a couple days and the perfect moment arrives. Kachan. I hear him screaming and yelling upstairs. I can smell his strong caramel scent coming through under the door and I know it's the perfect time to escape.

I create a strength quirk and break the chains that are tying  me down. I break down the door and I start heading towards the sound of Kachans explosions.

I see him fighting Dabi and I can tell Dabi is getting under his skin.
"Oh you must be the mate. You know you have a very beautiful mate. But it did make me think. It's been what a month since you've seen him. For all you know he could have gone to someone else" Kachan is growling really loudly.

"I did hear some very interesting sounds coming from his room the other day." Yeah you fucking cunt me screaming at you to fuck off. I can tell Kachan had lost all rationality. He won't win this fight. Not like this. I run towards him.

"Kachan!" I hug him tightly and I can tell both alphas are shocked be my arrival. I put up a force field around me and Kachan. And he falls to his knees hugging me. I feel so bad. If I had figured this all out sooner. If I had been stronger back then. None of this would have happened.

Kachan starts growling deeply. He's mad I smell like them. Thinking about it makes a shiver go up my spine but honestly I'm not surprised. What did suprise me was when Kachan began leaving a trail of hickeys along my neck.

Why is he acting like this?! We are surrounded by villains. I try to get him to stop but he growls at me. He has never done that before and honestly it scares me. Or it did until I saw his eyes. He's in rut again.

I need to get him out of here before things get worse. I quickly make a quirk and teleport us to his dorm room. I hear Kirishima talking with Denki. They are both heading this way. Kachan starts growling really loudly. I guess it makes sense since Kirishimas an alpha.

I lock the door because he looks like he's about to kill the both.

I have to say they aren't making it easy on me.
"Yo bakubro you in there." He just growls loudly. I go to open the door and explain but he grabs my wrist to stop me.

He doesn't want them to know I'm here. He growls louder but it doesn't really matter because they can't hear us if the door is closed. The room is sound proof.

They probably can't tell Kachans in rut either because the room is scent proof as well. He goes to unlock the door and I try to stop him. It doesn't work. I decide to release a really strong scent that should help clear his mind for a couple minutes at least.

He blinks a couple times and opens the door making sure to keep me out of sight. I hear him talk and I have to say it's kind of scary hearing him talk so calm.

"Shitty hair, Pikachu, I am currently in my rut and if you don't get out of my sight in the next ten seconds I am going to kill you"

The thing is normally his threats are completely empty but this time he means it. I think they can tell because they are gone in less than five seconds.

He comes back in closes and locks the door. He walks up to me and pulls me towards him. He just stands there hugging me. This is going to be a long few days.

Hey guys super long chapter just like promised. Please check out my new book!!! I hope you guys like it. Bye guys love you😊😊😊

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