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-Izukus' POV-
"No no I didn't- we didn't-" I cover my face. Thankfully before aunty can ask any more questions or make any more comments the doorbell rings. She goes to answer it.

I can't hear there conversation but a couple minutes later she comes back. "Hey izuku look who I found dear" it's my dad. "Izuku you shouldn't run off without asking. Come on we're going home" I don't want anyone here to get hurt. I look down and stand up but before I can take two steps in my father's direction Kachan grabs my arm and pulls me behind him. He then starts growling.

"Katsuki Bakugo what in the world are you doing!" I start to shake. I don't like yelling. I know aunty would never hurt me but it's still scary when adults yell. Kachan growls louder. Completely ignoring his mum Kachan looks directly at my dad. "Izuku stays here. If you ever come near him again I will rip your throat out. You can take this as a warning but let's be clear the only reason your still alive is because I know that you are going to be even more fucked in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" there is a knock on the door.

"Come in" Bakugo shouts and the people enter. It was mic and Aizawa. You could tell they were confused by the situation. Aizawa managed to piece it together first. "It's that his father" Kachan nods. "Ok me and Mic will take care of him. You take care of that." I think he was gesturing to my slight panic attack. Ok very bad panic attack. Happy. Aizawa grabs my dad in his capture scarf and drags him outside leaving me alone with two very confused and one very angry Bakugo.

What if Kachans parents find out. would they blame me. They are friends with my dad. What if they think Everything's my fault as well. My panic attack gets a lot worse. Kachan picks me up and takes me to his room locking the door so his parents can't come in. He sits me on the bed before sitting down as well and pulling me into his lap.

-Kachans' POV-
I swear I was ten seconds away from killing him down there. But it's ok now. He's right here. He's safe he's with me. I pull him even closer wrapping my arms protectively around him. His chest flushed up against mine. I nuzzle at his scent glands but when he starts releasing his scent I can tell he's still scared. I lay down with him still on to of me whispering sweet nothings in his ear trying to calm him down. It works. He fell asleep.

I hear Aizawa Sensei call for the two of us to come down. I pick Izu up and carry him bride style down stairs. I think all the adults can tell he's asleep so they make sure they're being quiet. I walk past them into the living room. I think they get the idea. I lay Izu down on the couch then adjust him a bit so that his head is on my lap. I run my fingers through his hair and my mum speaks up.

"Your teachers filled us in. I'm sorry. I had no idea." "It's fine old hag." President Mic Sensei speaks next
Surprisingly in an actual whisper. "Is he ok" oh yeah they must all be confused that he's asleep. "He's fine just really drained." I quickly add on "it's ok though he ate some of his breakfast this morning so he had some food on his system." My mum talks next. "If he's ok why is he bleeding?" I look down at Deku and notice that the jumper he's wearing is covered in blood. "Shit. His injuries must have reopened. Fuck."

Time skip

We just made it to Aizawa and Mics' place. I patched izuku up and let him sleep on the car ride. I gently wake izuku up and he rubs his eyes. "Where are we Kachan." I smile softly and say "You're home"

Just wanted to say this is not the last chapter. When Aizawa and Mic took Hisashi they put him in jail but Izukus dad holds a secret.

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