The dare

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Hey guys just curious I have two options here I can start to wrap up the story or I can keep going what do you guys want?

Also do you want a happy ending or a sad one?

-izukus' POV-
Today is the day. I can't believe the Sports festival is finally here. I used to watch it every year with Kachan before we moved. Now I'm actually going to be competing!

Me and Kachan just got to the waiting room. The only people there where Uraraka, Tsu, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro and Momo.

Kami was sitting in Kiris' lap while they were talking about Pokemon? I think; kami keeps repeating the word pika and Kiri is laughing.

Jiro and Momo where talking about music. Apparently Jiro is in a band and wants Momo to join.

Uraraka was braiding Tsus' hair. I think they are a couple but I'm not sure.

Me and Kachan just go to sit down. We weren't talking about anything important. Just then the rest of the self proclaimed bakusquad came in along with Iida. Unsurprisingly Mina suggest we play a game before the festival starts. Everyone agrees and before I know it everyone is sitting in a circle having decided to play truth or dare. I giggle slightly when I look at Kachan. He is visibly annoyed at the whole situation but agreed to play anyway.

Mina goes first because she suggested the game.
"Bakugo truth or dare?" Kachan scoffs.
"Fucking dare I ain't no wimp!" I laugh and Mina smirks devilishly.
"You're going to regret it."
Kachan just continued glaring at her as if challenging her to do her worst.
"I dare you to, for the rest of the day, keep at least a metre between you and Midorya." Oh that was cold.
Kachan looks like he is about to kill her. He turns to Kirishima and talks so calmly you could see it sent chills up Minas spine as she regrets her decision.
" Shitty hair, if he I kill racoon eyes I don't have to do the dare, do I?" No one says anything so I decide to go over and I sat in his lap. I kiss him on the cheek and he calms down.
"Welp since I'm already right here it doesn't look like he can do the dare. Why don't we move on. Your turn Kachan." I turn to face him and he smiles down at me.

- a bunch of stuff later - it's Kiris' turn and he picks me.
"Midobro, truth or dare?" I decide to give it a chance. What's the worst that can happen?
"Dare." Kachan looks suprised but hey I'm not a scared little kid anymore. Kirishima smiles widely and motions for me to come over to him so no-one else can hear the dare.

-Kachans' POV-
Fucking shitty hair wouldn't tell anyone what the dare was. Except the rip off Pikachu. I think he came up with it.
"Oi deku what was the dare?"
"It's nothing Kachan. If I tell you I fail." Whatever shitty ass cute nerd.

- a couple more rounds pass -
I'm screaming at shitty hair because he fucking accused me of being a god dammed chicken. Just because I chose truth. I was bored I did dare the last three times. Shitty hair looks at Izu who is standing to my left because I got up to yell at him.
"Midobro, a little help." He nods and walks inbetween us. He is starring me down and starts talking in a really commanding voice.
"Bakugo. Stop this this instant! Sit down right now!" I stumble back. He called me Bakugo. I feel so bad. Like I failed like he's disappointed in me. I hate it. After mumbling a quick apology I sit back where I was and look down.  I don't day anything else. The whole room is silent and I don't want to talk because I might make Izu more upset.

Next thing I know shitty hair is laughing.
"Holy shit I did not expect it to go so well!" I'm confused but remain silent. Izu comes and crouches next to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and starts releasing calming pheromones. I relax a lot. He talks quietly.
"It's ok Kachan. I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. It was what Kirishima dared me to do earlier." What it was a dare. He isn't mad at me. I pull him into a hug and I don't plan on letting go.

Shitty hair explains the dare to everyone else. Apparently when he asked Izu for help that was the sign he had to call me Bakugo. I have never hated him more. I hated that feeling. I hug Izu even tighter and the alarm buzzes letting us know we have to start making our way out. This is going to be fun. I hope I get to verse shitty hair just so I can get payback for earlier.

We all get out and I make my way to the stage. Since I got the top thing in the entrance exam I'm supposed to give a speech. I take a deep breath.

"Don't get in my way."

I walk of the stage and the crowd erupts in protest to my speech. I would have told everyone I was going to win but i don't know if I'll be able to fight Izu.

I guess we'll find out. Midnight skins the wheel and the first event begins.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have been swamped with school work. And then I went camping and there was no service in so sorry. Please look at the top of the chapter and vote of you haven't already. Bye guys love you 😊😊😊

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