waking up in a war zone

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-Authors' POV-
Now normally Aizawa would simply restrain the boy but he knew that if he was actually to combat the boy he might not make it out alive while he's in this state. He decides to call Hizashi. Hizashi, otherwise known as president mic, was Aizawas' husband and he hoped that mic would know what to do. Before he knows it president mic is on his way over.

President mic had in fact been teaching class 1A when he got the call. He ran out the door and could faintly hear someone yelling 'what the hell is with people running out today'. He arrived at the Bakugo residence in 5 minutes and was glad to find the door was unlocked. He heard growling coming from one of the rooms up the stairs. He made his way there and opened the door. "What the hell is going on here!" He said quietly considering his quirk. It was actually really loud.

He quickly understood the situation and was trying to calm down Bakugo. It might have worked if it hadn't been for the fact Deku started having a nightmare. His smell became distressed and he began to whimper in his sleep. This made Bakugo loose his shit even more than before. Not only where the alpha and the beta keeping him from his mate they were hurting him. Forget the fact it was a nightmare for a second. Bakugo blamed them. They made his mate sad. They would pay for that. He had pinned Aizawa and Hizashi to the ground and was about to attack again when he heard something.

"K-Kachan" he released the heroes and jumped on top of deku only for Deku to scream in pain. This brought him back to his senses. Bakugo quickly sat up. Deku put his arms out as a sign he wanted a hug. Bakugo carefully pulled Deku onto his lap and hugs him. Missing the silent thanks the two teachers were giving Midorya for saving them. After about 2 minutes of sitting in silence Bakugo said the question he had been asking himself for the past few hours.

"What happened?" His voice so soft and soothing that it shocked the two teachers in the room. Deku started crying. He hugged Bakugo even tighter. "It's it true" it was deku that time. "Shh shh shh is ok your safe I'm here." Ten seconds pass. "It's what true." Bakugo was genuinely curious. He had no idea what the greenete was talking about but was determined to see a smile on his face before they left for recovery Girl. "D-dad he- he said that you c-called me Deku b-because you- you think I'm useless."

Bakugo could see red.

"It's not true not at all. You know I love you and I always will. We're mates ok and I would never ever call you useless. You are the most powerful person I know. Heck you could be the most powerful person in the world of you wanted to and if anyone ever tells you otherwise ever again I will personally kick their ass."
(Damn Bakugo has a soft spot for our little cinnamon bun.)

"Deku, did your father do this to you?" Aizawa and Mic had similar suspicions and they were seething.
"Y-yeah but it's ok. I deserve it. One for every minute early I was home" three hearts broke at that statement. Suddenly Dekus stomach growled. "Are you hungry. When did you last eat?" Bakugo began to worry for his mate again "Um a couple weeks ago. Before you found me. Dad said I don't deserve to eat. He's right."

Quick thing - the Apple that Dekus father let him take to school. He gave it to a homeless person on the way to school because he didn't want them to be hungry.

"Come on" Bakugo began talking again. "We are taking you to recovery Girl. You are going to get healed up and then we are coming back here I'm making katsudon." He looks up at Aizawa and Mic before he adds "your welcome to join us if you'd like." And that they did.


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