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Two weeks later

-Izukus' POV-
I had just arrived to class with Kachan. Since we live next door we walked together. Dad was really bad last night so my arms and my back were killing me. My stomach is still sore from earlier as well. He didn't let me eat again so I was really hungry but he's right. I don't deserve to eat. My wrist are sore too but... That wasn't my dad. That was me. I'm glad no-one knows. But. It's not like they would care. I'm a stupid worthless good for nothing omega. (Poor Deku I'm so sorry that this is happening... but at the same time... Plot.)

I sit in my seat and wince. It hurts to sit. This is going to be a long day. If my day want already going to be hard a bunch of people start swarming my desk and asking questions. They blocked my sight of Kachan so I'm panicking a bit. It's so loud. Why is everyone yelling. I start to whimper. I guess everyone could hear and they start to quiet down and back away. Kachan comes and sits next to me. He didn't say anything but I'm thankful none the less. Actions have always ment more than words to Kachan.

Mina is the first person to talk. " I'm sorry if we scared you earlier but I was wondering if you could answer some questions." I don't trust myself to talk at the moment so I simply nod. "Well first - the other day. Bakugo said you had a mate who is it." Kachan scoffs at the question. "Even I know this one. It's some kid from his childhood. Don't know the kid. Haven't met him. The nerd won't even call him by his name when he talks about him." God. He didn't even have to lie. He really does have a way with words. Mina nods as well. I guess she's happy with that answer.

Kaminari speaks next. "Cool bro. But just curious when did you get your mark. I mean aren't we all a bit young to have mates yet." I giggle at his question and everyone awws at me. I'm still not sure why. "Well the truth is kaminari, I've had a mate since I was four. I got my mate on my fourth birthday." Everyone's mouths drop open. Suddenly everyone's yelling again. "So young!" "How the hell!" "How old is your mate!" "Hang on did you even want to mate" " yeah you couldn't possibly have been in the right frame of mind when you were four!" "Did someone force you to do it!" What.

What's going on. Why are they saying that. I look at Kachan as if begging him to make it stop. He nods and I cover my ears because I know this will be loud. I was right even with my ears covered I could still hear what he said perfectly fine. "All you little shits listen up. If he had a problem he would have said so. Do you know how rude it is to ask someone if they were forced to be mates with someone. He is clearly happy why the fuck would I ever hurt him like that!"

Thank goodness they stopped. Everyone is shocked I guess they didn't mean to be so loud. I hope they don't feel bad because Kachan yelled at them. Kirishima speaks next "bakubro." He's speaking very carefully. I guess Kachan must of scared them. Now I feel bad. "Bakubro your mates with Midorya."

What. How. I look over at Kachan. His eyes widened. I start panicking. Kachan grabs my arm and I wince. Luckily I don't think he noticed. He drags me out. We are in the hallway and we see Eraserhead walk past. Kachan tells Eraserhead that some stuff happened and that I was panicking so he was taking me home. Eraserhead nods and walks into the class. Oh no. What's dad going to say when I get home. He's going to be so mad. It's all my fault.

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