The truth, sort of

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I told Eraserhead everything. Except for the fact Deku's a class C and that he's my mate. I know he's a hero but still I've only known him for 3 days and I most certainly don't trust him with my mates life. Deku can tell him when he wakes up. If he wants to.

I add on that I don't know where he lives but that my parents have his number for emergencies. They would never give it to me though. Long story short, he calls my mum, she calls Deku's dad, and Deku's dad is coming to pick him up tomorrow.

"Ok then. Now that we have that all sorted Bakugo you need to change."
Change what the f*ck do I need to change for. (I apologize for the swearing but it's hard to make Bakugo not swear once.) I'm about to yell when I remember the sleeping beauty on my lap. I calm down. "Why?"
"You have hero training and you need to change into your costume" wait. what about Deku. "What about Deku?" "Who's dek-oh that's your name for him. Right. Well he can come and watch but you can't miss your first day of training."

-In the training grounds-
-Dekus' POV-
Kachan woke me up and told me that he had to go train but that I could watch him. We just got here and I'm so excited. I can only imagine how strong Kachan is now. I look around but no-ones training. They're all just standing there waiting for something. "I AM HERE!" All might! No way!

"Now who is this. I wasn't informed of a new member to the class" he says looking at me. We were standing at the back so no-one really noticed me or Kachan. Now they're all starting. Questions are being thrown at me a million miles an hour. I start to panic. I fall down to the floor. I can't think. It's to loud. I can't.

"EVERYBODY NEEDS TO SHUT THE HELL UP AND TAKE TEN STEPS BACK!" Kachan. That's right. He's here. He'll protect me. I start to calm down and Kachan helps me up. Everyone is looking at me confused and shocked. Then Eraserhead speaks up. "He isn't a student he is just here to watch." All might talks next " Ah ok. Can I ask you your quirk and sub gender?"

Why does he want to know that. What if he find out the truth. What do I say? "That's none of your business." Kachan. He looks at me and smiles. I guess he could tell I was panicking again. All might turns to speak to Eraserhead. "Do you know?" What. Why would he ask someone else?

Oh no. Eraserhead knows. Kachan told him. No. Kachan told him my sub-gender. Not my rank. Not my quirk. "He's an omega that's all I know" what. Why would Eraserhead tell him. Everyone starts staring at me even more. Kachan lets out a loud and threatening growl. "He clearly didn't want people to know. What is wrong with you!" It's ok. It's ok. Kachans right here.

"I'm sorry young man but if you are an omega in going to have to ask you to leave the training grounds it's not safe." What all might wants me to leave. "Your just not strong enough to protect yourself and it isn't fair to ask the other students to watch out for you when you can just watch from the observation room." What. He's sending me away. "Sir please, I can look out for him." "I'm sorry young Bakugo but it isn't safe."

All might tried to pick me up and take me away. He's taking me away from Kachan again. He can't. Not again. I do the only thing I can think of. I fight back. 10 seconds later I have all might pinned to the ground and I'm growling. "I'm staying." Eraserhead tries to pull me off him but doesn't manage to do anything. I suddenly smell very calming pheromones. I look up to Kachan. I don't think. I just run and hug him.

-Kiris' POV-
Wow that kid managed to hug bakubro without being blown up. That's so manly.

I can tell everyone's as stunned as I am. Then Denki, my amazing boyfriend, ask the question I think we are all wondering. "Why would you let that kid pin you." We all wait for an answer. "I didn't." Hold up. That kid is actually stronger than All might.
How is he not a student!

Hi um so I'll try to post a couple more today cause you know quarantine. Not much else to do. I hope everyone is staying safe and wearing masks.

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