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After a long time Aizawa spoke. "You can't go back there." Izuku began to panic. "No. No you have to let me go back I'll get in trouble he doesn't know I'm gone yet please." Aizawa looked furious. "Midorya you can't go back there. You won't get in trouble of you don't go back."

"But-" izuku tries to protest. "For goodness sake. Aizawa you suck at this. Izuku Midorya I swear to god if you even think about going back there I will blow the place up and it won't even be a choice." "S-sorry Kachan."

-Mics' POV-
This kid is adorable. I can't stand the thought of him being put on a foster home. Bakugo and Midorya begin talking so I take out my phone and message Aizawa. I would normally just talk to him but I don't want either of them overhearing. They both have super hearing I swear.

M: Sho what's going to happen to this kid

Aizawa look genuinely confused that I'm messaging him instead of just talking but he rolls with it anyway. I have an amazing husband.

A: I don't know. His dad will go to jail and he doesn't have any other family according to his record

M: so he'll be put in a foster home

A: no. I don't want him to go through anything else. He's been through enough.

I think for a minute. I know when Sho was younger he was put in a foster home and they weren't the nicest. I really don't want him in a foster home either but what other choice is there. He has no other family and he's to young to live in his own. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a message.

A: what if we looked after him

Does he mean like adopt Midorya. Would he seriously be willing to do that. I've been talking about adopting a kid for ages but he says he doesn't like children. But I guess I can't deny Midorya certainly isn't an ordinary child.

M: you mean like adopt him

A: he's been through so much but I just want to protect him

A: if you don't want to that's fine

M: no I would love to. He's such a precious kid. He deserves to be a kid and have a loving family.

A: so your ok with it

M: of course

M: do you want to tell him

A: yes

M: ok I'm pretty sure they have been staring at us for the last 10 minutes

I start to laugh and now everyone's looking at me.

"Hey problem child." Me and the others look at Aizawa. "I get if you don't want to go into a foster home but what if you come and live with me and Mic." Midorya thinks for a minute but then nods his head yes. He wants to live with us. "B-but I want to stay with Kachan tonight." Me and Aizawa agree and tell him we'll pick him up tomorrow morning because it's a Saturday so we can show him our place and where he will be living.

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