Chapter 8

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Luna's POV

I actually followed CEO Ryu's orders and stayed late to revise the report Kyle had given me.

I was revising and editing the parts that mentions a pub, replaced it with a cafe and the reasons and details. I made sure everything was perfect, I think I'll be done at 10.

I grabbed my phone to check the time


Great, I still have lots of time left and I'm almost finished.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by three knocks on my door, I didn't answer but it opened anyway.

And there emerged CEO Ryu, the devil himself.

'What is he doing here?'

I noticed he was holding a plastic bag, though I can't see anything since my office is dimly lit and only my computer screen is giving me light.

"Here" He put down the plastic bag on my table and went on his way.

I can see his broad figure retreating from my office. I didn't answer anything and waited for him to get out.

'What was that?' I asked myself

I grabbed the plastic bag he was holding and inside it was cup noodles and a piece of bread.

Though the cup noodles can be found on small convenience stores, the bread was different. It looks expensive and it was packed beautifully.

It's a shame to eat it.

But the point here is why? Why did he give me such things? What does he want me to do with it?

What if I ate it and it wasn't supposed to be  eaten?

So I stood up, left the plastic bag on my table and went to his office. His secretary is gone, the building now looks darker, and it's quieter than before though I can still see some people working. 

I knocked on the door and without waiting for an answer, I barged in.

"Sir, what's with the cup noodles and bread?" I asked him straightly

"Oh that?" He fumbled with his pen and breathed deep "It was just leftover, I thought I'd give them to you since I don't eat those things"

'Wow, I don't know what to say, is this kindness? or is he mocking me?' I mentally said to myself

Do I look like some leftover trash can?

"Well anyway, I'll accept the offer gladly" I said "Thank you"

I went back to my office, grabbed the cup noodles and put hot water in it.

Since I'm starving, I can't keep my pride up.

As I waited for the noodles to cook, I continued revising the report while munching on my bread.

"The building is a perfect spot for a cafe, a lot of people are passing by here on a daily basis, it's near a university, and in front of it is a Church Study room" I read aloud the contents of the report

'this should be good enough' 

I grabbed the noodles and ate it as I read the report over and over again to make sure no mistake is found.


That's good, that's good. I still have time to go home and have rest since my schedule was moved to 8am instead of 10am.

I finished up the report and printed it since I already overlooked the small details of it and I think there are no more loopholes.

I grabbed the final paper from the printer and arranged it accordingly, I punched two holes in it and grabbed a fastener. Attached it to the transparent folder and headed out of my office.

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