Chapter 10

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Luna's POV

I saw the waitress left him and I went over his table and sat across the chair.

I eyed him over and he was wearing dark olive green shirt, tucked in a light khaki pants with black belt. He paired it with some sneakers that looked expensive to me, and the eye catcher is his Rolex watch on his left wrist. He was also bringing a messenger bag, and inside it were some files and his large tablet.

Other people wearing this would just look like a regular adult strolling about, but that's not actually the vibe i'm getting from him right now. He looks absolutely rich without even trying hard.

He took out his tablet and started scrolling.

"Did you have breakfast yet? Let's eat first" He said without glancing at me

"No, it's alright sir. I'm not starving" I refused

"Well, I am" He looked at me and focused back on his tablet.

This is awkward.

The waitress he was talking to earlier came up to us and served two glasses of hot cappuccino and two plates of pancakes with maple syrup and butter on top of it.

This is indeed a rich man's breakfast.

"Enjoy your breakfast" The waitress smiled at us

She then bowed at us and retreated herself way back into their kitchen.

I looked at my plate and was wondering if it was okay to eat first since he is still holding his tablet, looking at some places to go today.

So I decided not to touch my plate yet and took a sip from the hot coffee that was served in a tea cup.

"This should be a nice place" He said and he showed me the tablet

In the tablet, you can see a very crowded street filled with foreigners and locals. They were either in pairs, or in group. You can barely see any person walking alone.

You can also see some advertising banners, some people in mascot, and some women in really short skirts attracting customers.

It must mean that the place is an apt spot for going out and having fun.

"Sir, it's good" I looked at the picture and he retracted the tablet after "but, the competitors there will not be easy."

"Don't worry, new businesses always bloom on it's first day" He answered "What matters is how you maintain it"

He hid his tablet back in his bag and grabbed his fork and started chomping away on his pancake, so I did the same

"Also, our company and brand is already famous" He said while taking a sip from his coffee "We won't have trouble advertising it"

"I guess you have a point, it's worth checking out" I said and I finished my pancake.

I laid back on my seat and started drinking my coffee while looking at CEO Ryu indulged in eating his pancake.

"Let's also try one of the best competitors in that area and see how well they're doing and what they are lacking" he looked at me after finishing his pancake "Any loopholes they have, we're going to fix it and we're going to surpass them"

This guy is seriously competitive.

"Maintaining rank 1 as the best franchising company is hard for me" He said while he drinks his coffee "It's not an easy job that's why I don't trust some employers and had to do all the physical and detailed work myself to ensure it's perfect"

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