Chapter 22

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Luna's POv

"I thought I should say hi first" Miss Lillian said

I abruptly stood up and walked towards her and ushered her to take a seat

"M-ma'am" I uttered. The power she gives off is unbearable "H-here Ma'am, take a seat"

"Thank you" She said as she took a seat "So you are my son's girlfriend"

I sensed a hint of disgust when she said girlfriend.

I don't know how to answer that, but there's no point lying about that now. right?

"Y-yes ma'am" I said 

"Please take a seat, it hurts my neck to keep looking up at you" She said "Since when did you start dating my son?"

"2 months ago ma'am" I answered her as I took a seat across her

"And you dated him knowing it could ruin his reputation?" She asked with a stern voice

There it is! The disappointment in her eyes while looking at me.

But she quickly covered it up by smiling sweetly

"It's not that I'm against it sweetie" She said and smiled "Relax, you're so stiff"

"S-sorry" was the only thing I could say

"I just wanted to see you before talking with my son" She said "I wondered if you were worth the argument"

"A-argument ma'am?" I asked 

"Oh that? You see Dylan, your CEO," She said CEO with a bit of pressure "He's not yet aware of what the world could do to him. I've protected him since he was a kid, you see his father, his father was of no help at all"

It's because you took Dylan away from the Chairman

I just nodded at her and she continued

"But Dylan thinks I'm the antagonist of his own story. That's where he is wrong. He doesn't even have his own story. It should be ours right?" She asked and she crossed her legs elegantly "It's just like the scripts of my movies, he's just a part of my story. Someone I should mold to become someone perfect. But he doesn't seem to see the things I do for him"

I don't know what to react. As I've never had a mother, I wondered if all mothers were like her. 

"But don't you think that Dylan should have his own story ma'am?" I bravely asked "I mean it's his own life after all"

"You don't get it sweetie" She answered and she leaned towards me "I gave life to him, basically his life is mine. And I can do anything I want with it"

I felt a cold gush of wind run through my spines as she looked at me intently and she smiled. Her smile was not sweet, it was the smile of someone who knew that no one could defeat her. She's aware that no one can oppose her.

"I've heard enough" She said and she stood up "I'm going to my son's office"

"Good day ma'am" I said as I accompanied her to the door

"Shouldn't you accompany me there?" She asked and smiled "You should come with me, you're his girlfriend after all"

"R-right" I said and composed myself.

She walked ahead of me and I never dared to walk beside her. Dylan's mother and I are on a different level.

Dylan and I are on different levels. Different worlds.

She walked with pride and with confidence. Her strides were long as if she was only on her 20's. It was as if the lobby was a runway. Everyone we passed by was mesmerized as she smiled sweetly at everyone.

When we arrived at Dylan's office, his secretary opened the door for us. We got inside and Dylan stood up, he looked at me and then his mom.

"Son, what's with this silent treatment?" She asked first as we sat down.

Dylan pressed a button on his table 

"Bring us tea please" Dylan said and then he walked towards us "Mom, what makes you come here?"

"I'm your mother, what's wrong with me being here?" She asked 

"You're a public figure. Were you just going to reveal your background to everyone?" Dylan asked

"Why not? My son's successful" She answered

"I'm not" He answered sternly. "Father was the one who is successful"

I looked at Dylan but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking sternly at his mother

"That old man?" She laughed sarcastically "I never actually thought he'd go through with his small business. Pathetic"

"Is that how you talk about a dead person?!" Dylan stood up "You don't get to say that about father"

"Oh my, your manners. For a moment there, I thought you were from the slums" She calmly said "Did you perhaps got that from your girlfriend?"

My eyes widened and Dylan flushed red from anger. His ears were really red and he was already heaving deeply.

I think that I should not be here. 

To say that Dylan got that from me, that was really insulting but I can't say anything.

"I-I'll leave you to it" I said and stood up.

I was about to go out when Dylan grabbed my hand and made me stood beside him 

"If there's someone going out, it's my mom" Dylan said 

"My, my" She said as she stood up "Alright, I'll come back another day. It seems that you still hate me despite me raising you to what you are now"

We fell silent as she went outside confidently. Without a trace of fear from Dylan's outrage. She walked outside with a smile on her face and her chin held up high.

She's one scary woman

I was still silent when Dylan let go of me and he sat down on his sofa. Suddenly his secretary came in and I signaled her to not come in and just keep the tea outside.

Dylan run his fingers through his hair then covered his face with his hands

"This is so messed up" He said between his heavy breaths.

I sat beside him and put my hand on his shoulder. I can feel him heaving, and I know that he's crying.

This is not the first time I saw him crying, this is not the first time I saw him vulnerable. But it still hurts me so much to see that he's hurting.

That he's in pain

And he is in pain because of me

I kissed him in the cheeks and hugged him

"It's okay Dylan" I said "I know she doesn't like me, I know that we're on different levels but I'll promise you one thing, just one thing"

Dylan wiped his tears away and he looked at me with a forced smile

"hmm? What's that?" He asked 

I'm glad his tears stopped falling

"I'll never leave you, I will always be by your side. I will never ever leave you" I said as I gently grabbed his face and stared straight into his eyes "I promise"

I gave him a peck on the lips and he smiled.

"And I promise that I'll love you no matter what they say" he said as he smiled "I love you"

Dylan, we'll get through this

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